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The Age of Reform.

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1 The Age of Reform

2 Agenda 1. Bell Ringer: What makes Communism different from Socialism?
2. Quick Review Philosophers of Industry 3. Lecture: Age of Reform 4. Philosophers and Beliefs 5. Age of Reform video clip 6. Impacts of the Age of Reform 7. Objective Review Questions HW: Outline of paper is due soon. Please be working on it.

3 Quick Review Philosophers of Industry
What is Laissez-Faire Economics? Which philosophy has little government interference? Who comes up with this philosophy? What are the negative effects of Capitalism? Why do wages decrease when population increases? What is a definition of Socialism? What is Jeremy Bentham known for during the Industrial Revolution? What philosophy is Karl Marx known for in the Industrial Revolution? What does he blame for the hardships of the factory workers? What is the difference between the Proletariat and Bourgeoisie? How will Communism take hold in the Industrial Revolution?

4 The Union Movement These groups bargained with employers for better working conditions and higher pay. Skilled workers started the Union process, since the factory would have trouble replacing them. Britain outlawed them until 1825. AFL formed in 1866.

5 New Reform Laws Factory Act- You cannot hire someone under 9 years old. Mines act prevented women and children from working underground. Ten hour workday passed in 1847.

6 Abolition of Slavery New class of industrialists wanted cheap labor, not slave labor. William Wilberforce saw it as a moral issue. 1833 slavery is outlawed in Britain. The US would eliminate slave trade in 1807, but the institution would not end until the Civil War.

7 Women’s Rights Women received higher wages in the factories than at home. However, they only made 1/3 the money as a man. Jane Addams founded Hull House for working women. It aided in the fight for Women’s Suffrage.

8 Reform and Daily Life Free public education for all children proposed in the 1850s. Prison reform attempted to fix the living conditions within jails. They also created programs to reform inmates. Eventually Democracy would grow with industrialization.

9 Time Permits: Safari Montage Men who built America.

10 Quick Review Questions Age of Reform
What is the Union Movement? What are the Unions trying to gain through their actions? What is the Factory Act? What is the Mines Act? How do both of these change working conditions for employees in both industries? When does Slavery become an issue in Britain? Who leads the movement? How much did women make (salary) compared to men of the period? Who leads the Women’s Suffrage Movement? Why was public education made a priority in the 1800s? What is the purpose of prison reform? How are conditions within prisons before the reform movements? How does Andrew Carnegie respond to the Unionization of workers? What is the major impact of these reform movements on the Industrial Revolution and beyond?

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