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Clones have the same genes

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Presentation on theme: "Clones have the same genes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Clones have the same genes
Keywords: Adaptation, Competition, Inherit, Asexual Reproduction, Cloning, Genetic Engineering slit-like nostrils and two rows of eyelashes thin fur to allow easy heat loss a large surface area to volume ratio to maximise heat loss go for a long time without water large, flat feet to spread weight white appearance for camouflage thick layers of fat and fur for insulation a small surface area to volume ratio, to minimise heat loss a greasy waterproof coat large furry feet to distribute weight A cell nucleus contains 46 Chromosomes, which carry genes and are made of DNA. Different versions of genes are called alleles. Transpiration is the loss of water from the leaves Reduce water loss by -Closing stomata Small surface area leaves Water storage Tissues Succulent  stems that can store water widespread root systems that can collect water from a large area cacti have spines instead of leaves B1b Biology Competition Animals -food -water -territory -mates Plants -light -space -nutrients Cloning Plants: Cuttings, Tissue Culture. Animals: Embryo Cloning, Adult Cell Sexual Asexual 2 Parents 1 Parent Lots of Variation No Variation Adult Cell Cloning Clones have the same genes Extinction, Evolution, Lamarck, Darwin, Natural Selection, Mutation, Pollution, Acid Rain, Global Warming, Sustainable Development

2 Sustainable Development Using resources wisely Recycle, reuse
Theories of Evolution Lamarck- inheritance of acquired characteristics Darwin- natural selection & survival of the fittest HSW Word Definition Hypothesis A possible explanation of a problem that can be tested experimentally. Evidence The data or observations that are used to support a given hypothesis or belief. Theory An idea that might explain the results which is based on scientific results. Hearsay A rumour or idea with no evidence to back it up. Control A experiment to show what would have happened if you had not changed the independent variable. Precision Small divisions on the measuring device gives high precision. Accuracy An accurate measurement is one which is close to the true value. Reliability The results of an investigation may be considered reliable if they can be repeated. Ethical Whether something is considered morally right or wrong. Validity Valid data answers the question asked by the investigation. Data are only valid if the experiment is a fair test. Life started billion years ago. Fossils show how organisms have changed Extinction Changes in environment New predators New competitors Disease Gas Problem Carbon Dioxide + Methane (rice + cows) Global Warming Sulphur Dioxide +Nitrogen Oxides Acid Rain CFCs Hole in Ozone Population Explosion More people = More waste More air pollution More water pollution Less land available Sustainable Development Using resources wisely Recycle, reuse Plan on local and global scale Brown field sites SSSIs

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