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Affordability Later in Life

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Presentation on theme: "Affordability Later in Life"— Presentation transcript:

1 Affordability Later in Life
Roger Battersby Managing Partner, PRP Architects LLP

2 The Current Context Ageing Population Impact on Mainstream Housing
Generation Change: Aspirations Personal Care Budgets The Dilnott Commission Public Sector Funding Cuts

3 The Housing & Care Spectrum

4 Current Provision: Retirement Villages
Painswick, Gloucestershire – Richmond Villages

5 Current Provision: Extra Care
432 Units on 5 Sites Larger scale with 57 to 133 flats per site Mixed Tenure Community Resource Centres Regenerating neighbourhoods

6 Current Provision: The In-betweeners
Own a 3 bedroom family house Modest savings Modest pension Very little in the way of alternatives to Staying Put available…..

7 Key Issues The paper identifies 6 key issues that need to be addressed: Partnering Locally to Deliver Overcome obstacles to delivery Promote Innovative Capital & Revenue Funding Solutions Review Existing Models & Standards Optimise Existing Stock through Remodelling and Asset Management Reducing Procurement Costs and Standardising the Product

8 Partnering Locally to Deliver and Overcome Obstacles
Local Needs: Local Delivery Pivotal Role of Local Authorities Joining up Health, Housing and Adult Services Planning: Local & Neighbourhood Plans Overcoming Obstacles Raising Awareness Funding Cuts Planning Policy Land Availability Affordability Criteria: 80% of Market Rental Neptuna, Malmo Prioritises affordable housing at the heart of its urban regeneration…

9 Promote Innovative Capital & Revenue Funding Solutions
Mixing Tenure: Shared Ownership, Private Rental Mixing Use: Alternative Revenue Funding Streams Housing & Care Packages: Insurance Premium for Care Cover Equity Release from Existing Housing Stock Co-housing: Land availability, Bridge Funding, Development Support Co Housing - Herfra til Evigheden, Roskilde Hartrigg Oaks, York – Joseph Rowntree Foundation

10 Review Existing Models & Standards
Staying Put: review inclusive design standards, Assistive Technology Independent Living: Market Opportunity for Care Ready Apartments, Well Located, Minimal Communal, Lifestyle Choice Extra Care: Viability Issues, Impact of Personal Budgets, Resident Profile – Need for Economies of Scale, Community Integration & Sharing Services/Facilities Continuing Care Community HUBS: Community based, Economies of Scale, Dementia Care, Resource Centres Importance of Location: Accessible Neighbourhoods, Volunteers, Family Ties

11 Community HUB – Extra Care a Service?
Laundry Services Respite Care Extra Care = Independent Living? Community Community HUB Care Services Day Care Catering Services Community Community

12 Care HUBs in the Community
Drop-In Facility Nursing Care Day Care Resource Centre Care Base Respite Care Intermediate Care Dementia Care

13 Optimise Existing Stock: Remodelling & Asset Management
Recycling Existing Buildings: Tower Blocks, Deck Access, Bedsit Flats. Retrofit for Energy Efficiency Reducing VAT to Promote Reuse Asset Management Programme: Lifting Covenants on LSVT disposals Deck Access, Pimlico Glastonbury House, Pimlico de Rokade, Groningen

14 Reducing Procurement Costs and Standardising the Product
Review PFI & PPP to reduce Risk/Cost Review EU Procurement Mechanisms Partnering with Contractors to Fund & Construct Standardisation/ Rationalisation in Design OSM/Volumetric Build?

15 Planning for our future….
…..a major opportunity for housing developers, investors and funders to develop new models for attractive, sustainable and ‘care ready’ housing for a growing market…. ‘Independent Living’ – de Plussenburgh, Rotterdam

16 Roger Battersby Managing Partner, PRP Architects LLP
Affordability Later in Life Roger Battersby Managing Partner, PRP Architects LLP

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