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CNI Iwi Holdings Ltd Corporate Trustee for the CNI Iwi Collective Rangitaiki River Forum 21 March 2017 1.

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Presentation on theme: "CNI Iwi Holdings Ltd Corporate Trustee for the CNI Iwi Collective Rangitaiki River Forum 21 March 2017 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 CNI Iwi Holdings Ltd Corporate Trustee for the CNI Iwi Collective Rangitaiki River Forum 21 March 2017 1

2 Whatu ngarongaro te tangata…
Toi tu te whenua…. Whatu ngarongaro te tangata… People may come and go…. The land remains forever… 2

3 Timeline 1900’s land confiscated / acquired by the Crown through illegal means 1980’s – Crown and Iwi tried various approaches to work towards settlement 2005 Iwi met to discuss a collective approach led by Te Ariki Tumu Te Heuheu 2008 CNI Iwi Collective Deed of Settlement signed 3

4 The Land June 2009 the 8 Iwi received 176,000 Ha of Central North Island Forest land - Kaingaroa and smaller satellite forests ≈142,000 Ha in the Bay of Plenty Land is leased under Crown Forestry Licenses i.e. in forest for up to 35 years 4

5 5

6 The People Ngāti Whare Ngāti Manawa Ngai Tūhoe Ngāti Tūwharetoa Ngāti Rangitihi Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa Raukawa Ngāti Whakaue Collectively- 110,000 people 6

7 CNIIHL holds and manages the land until 2043
CNI Iwi Holdings Ltd CNIIHL holds and manages the land until 2043 Governed by a Board of 16 Directors (2 directors per Iwi) Formal processes to receive and distribute ≈ $15m revenue from the land to the shareholders Outsources land management to CNI Iwi Land Management Ltd (wholly owned subsidiary) 7

8 The CNI Iwi Collective: The 8 Iwi of the Collective annually receive income from the Trust and use this putea for Social, Cultural and Economic projects Iwi have settled with the Crown 3 Iwi are negotiating settlements with the Crown 8

9 Challenges 9

10 Completing the Mana Whenua process and finalising all aspects of the Final allocation agreement
To maximise wealth through operating a successful commercial business, respectful of tikanga and the environment To manage the land and opportunities for current and future generations. 10

11 Crown Forest Licenses - locked into forestry for up to 35 years
To future-proof wealth creation and stability for our beneficiaries we need to unlock the potential of the land, and the suite of resources needed to be able to use it Carbon - ETS Pre 1990 Forest Water Nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorus 11

12 Aspirations 12

13 Create a future for our people where opportunities abound and we have a thriving, happy, prosperous community* 13

14 Maximise our primary industry and natural resources*
Grow and build a prosperous future for our mokopuna* Deliver intergenerational assets and income 14

15 Achieving best practice in all our dealings and relationships
Work with long term partners who can add value 15

16 Thank you Tēnā koutou 16

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