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English IV Roots List 2.

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1 English IV Roots List 2

2 Graph: Write

3 Autograph Definition: (noun) a person’s signature Example: Before selfies were popular, people would try to get an autograph from a celebrity.

4 Choreograph Definition: (verb) writing a sequence of dance steps Example: Can a dance be choreographed for this music video?

5 Topography Definition: (noun) a detailed description of land Example: The topography report is the best way to know what areas can be hiked.

6 Demographic Definition: (adj) a statistic characterizing human populations Example: The demographics of the city tell the visitor the ratio of each race and gender.

7 Hemo: Blood

8 Hemorrhage Definition: (noun) the flow of blood from a ruptured vessel
Example: One of the possible complications of surgery is severe anemia resulting from a hemorrhage.

9 Hemoglobin Definition: (noun) a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body Example: Because Ted's hemoglobin is abnormal, he has been diagnosed with a condition called sickle cell anemia.

10 Hemophilia Definition: (noun) congenital disorder which causes uncontrollable bleeding Example: Because of his hemophilia, Doug had trouble getting his bleeding under control after the accident.

11 Hemotoxic Definition: (noun) toxins that destroy red blood cells Example: Once he became hemotoxic, it was difficult for the doctors to save him.

12 Hyd: Water

13 Hydroplane Definition: (verb) water prevents traction for tires Example: Hydroplaning can be a scary event when you haven’t driven before.

14 Dehydrate Definition: (verb) remove water from Example: It’s important for athletes to drink often during practice so they don’t dehydrate their bodies.

15 Hydraulics Definition: (noun) the study of the mechanics of fluids Example: The hydraulics of the machine were an incredible sight.

16 Hydrant Definition: (noun) a faucet for drawing water from a pipe Example: Fire hydrants in America are typically red.

17 Neg: No

18 Negative Definition: (noun) denial, opposition, or resistance Example: The overall response to the conversation was negative.

19 Negate Definition: (verb) to make ineffective Example: Progress on the study has been negated by the lack of funds.

20 Neglect Definition: (verb) fail to care for properly Example: One cannot neglect to tell the full truth.

21 Negligible Definition: (adj) insignificant Example: His account of the night was negligible in comparison to the video evidence.

22 Osteo: Bone

23 Osteoporosis Definition: (noun) brittle bones from lack of calcium Example: If you don’t drink enough milk, you will surely get osteoporosis.

24 Osteoplasty Definition: (noun) surgery focused on bone repair Example: The break was so bad, the woman required osteoplasty on her hip.

25 Osteoarthritis Definition: (noun) breakdown of cartilage in the joints Example: The osteoarthritis makes it difficult to hold a pencil.

26 Osteology Definition: (noun) the study of bone Example: Osteology should help him remember the skeletal structure.

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