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What techniques does Blake use in this extract from ‘London’

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Presentation on theme: "What techniques does Blake use in this extract from ‘London’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Before we get started… complete the revision task - no notes/texts allowed!
What techniques does Blake use in this extract from ‘London’? HOW do they have an impact on the reader/audience? In every cry of every man, In every infant's cry of fear, In every voice, in every ban, The mind-forged manacles I hear: How the chimney-sweeper's cry Every blackening church appals, And the hapless soldier's sigh Runs in blood down palace-walls. Today, we’re revising: Poetry REMEMBER, REGULARLY REVISITING AND REVISING ALL THE TEXTS WILL ALLOW YOU TO WRITE THE BEST RESPONSES! HERE

2 Literature Paper 1 GCSE Literature Paper 1 Mon 22nd May Read through your crib sheets and highlight anything relevant to you. Make a note of where you need to focus your revision. REVISION TASKS – DO THESE AT HOME TO IMPROVE! Answer the PITSTOP tasks in detail – rewrite paragraphs/essays and I will remark for you – IMPROVING IS ON YOU!!! Swap with someone with a similar target and improve one of their paragraphs by squeeeezing more from their chosen quote and adding insightful interpretation. Grade boundaries: 9 – 61 8 – 56 7 – 45 6 – 42 5 – 36 4 – 30 3 – 18 2 – 14 1 - 7 5 – clear understanding 6/7 – thoughtful, developed consideration 8/9 – Convincing, critical analysis and exploration

3 Paper 1: Tues 6th June GCSE English Language Paper 2: Mon 12th June Paper 1: Explorations in creative reading and writing 1 hour 45 mins 50% Paper 2: Writer’s viewpoints and perspectives 1 hour 45 mins 50% Reading – 40 marks 15 mins read and plan Find four… 4 marks 5 mins Language 8 marks 10 mins Structure 8 marks 10 mins Evaluate 20 marks 20 mins Writing – 40 marks Describe or narrate : choice from two questions 24 content mins 16 accuracy Reading – 40 marks 15 mins read and plan Select four… 4 marks 5 mins Comprehension 8 marks 8 mins Language 12 marks 12 mins Compare 16 marks 20 mins Writing – 40 marks Write in a viewpoint 24 content mins 16 accuracy

4 Today’s objectives Paper 1 Q4 Do you know what evaluation means?
Tues 6th June Today’s objectives Paper 2: Mon 12th June Paper 1 Q4 Do you know what evaluation means? Do you understand how to evaluate? Can you evaluate orally using textual evidence? Bronze – know how to evaluate a text Silver – to explain how to evaluate Gold – to evaluate a text based on a given statement

5 Paper 1: Tues 6th June Success today Paper 2: Mon 12th June Paper 1 Q4 Bronze – know how to evaluate a text Silver – to explain how to evaluate Gold – to evaluate a text based on a given statement Bronze – know how to evaluate a text Silver – to explain how to evaluate Gold – to evaluate a text based on a given statement

6 Preparation for GCSE English Language
Paper 1: Tues 6th June Preparation for GCSE English Language Paper 2: Mon 12th June AO1 – Identify and interpret explicit and implicit information AO2 – Analyse language, structure AO3 – Compare writer’s ideas (Paper 2 only) AO4 – Evaluate texts critically (Paper 1 only) AO5 – Communicate clearly, effectively and imaginatively AO6 – Vocabulary, sentence structures and punctuation Bronze – know how to evaluate a text Silver – to explain how to evaluate Gold – to evaluate a text based on a given statement

7 Paper 1 Q4 What is evaluation?
Tues 6th June Success today Paper 2: Mon 12th June Paper 1 Q4 What is evaluation? Bronze – know how to evaluate a text Silver – to explain how to evaluate Gold – to evaluate a text based on a given statement

8 Paper 1: Tues 6th June Success today Paper 2: Mon 12th June Paper 1 Q4 Evaluation in the context of this exam is explaining how well the writer has done something. A key word is ‘well’. You will be given an extract from a highly-acclaimed writer – never suggest they are a poor writer. Bronze – know how to evaluate a text Silver – to explain how to evaluate Gold – to evaluate a text based on a given statement

9 Paper 1: Tues 6th June The question will be… Paper 2: Mon 12th June Focus this part of your answer on the second half of the source from line… to the end. A student said ‘…’ To what extent do you agree? In your response, you could: • consider your own impressions of… • evaluate how the writer shows… • support your response with references to the text Mark scheme from the exam board Bronze – know how to evaluate a text Silver – to explain how to evaluate Gold – to evaluate a text based on a given statement

10 Paper 1 Q4 mark scheme Paper 1: Paper 2: Tues 6th June Mon 12th June
Level Skills descriptors Level 4 Perceptive, detailed evaluation 16-20 marks Shows perceptive and detailed evaluation: Evaluates critically and in detail the effect(s) on the reader Shows perceptive understanding of writer’s methods Selects a judicious range of textual detail Develops a convincing and critical response to the focus of the statement Level 3 Clear, relevant evaluation 11-15 marks Shows clear and relevant evaluation: Evaluates clearly the effect(s) on the reader Shows clear understanding of writer’s methods Selects a range of relevant textual references Makes a clear and relevant response to the focus of the statement Level 2 Some evaluation 6-10 marks Shows some attempts at evaluation: Makes some evaluative comment(s) on effect(s) on the reader Shows some understanding of writer’s methods Selects some appropriate textual reference(s) Makes some response to the focus of the statement Level 1 Simple, limited evaluation 1-5 marks Shows simple, limited evaluation: Makes simple, limited evaluative comment(s) on effect(s) on reader Shows limited understanding of writer’s methods Selects simple, limited textual reference(s) Makes a simple, limited response to the focus of the statement

11 Tips from the examiner 20 marks – 20 minutes
Paper 1: Tues 6th June Tips from the examiner Paper 2: Mon 12th June 20 marks – 20 minutes 5 minutes to plan, 15 to write You are strongly advised to agree with the statement – it is not an argument so you do not need to focus on counter arguing!! There will always be a quote/statement and it will always be focused on second part of text Write about all bullet points given – they are there to help 3 (INCREDIBLY DETAILED)/ 4 PEEEL paragraphs Mark scheme from the exam board Bronze – know how to evaluate a text Silver – to explain how to evaluate Gold – to evaluate a text based on a given statement

12 Paper 1: Tues 6th June Tips from the examiner Paper 2: Mon 12th June AO4 content may include the evaluation of ideas such as: what the themes/ideas in the story may be what we understand about the character what devices/objects could be/could symbolise if there is a message or moral to the story the linguistic choices the use of striking imagery change in tone Mark scheme from the exam board Bronze – know how to evaluate a text Silver – to explain how to evaluate Gold – to evaluate a text based on a given statement

13 The question is … What will you actually be evaluating?
Paper 1: Tues 6th June The question is … Paper 2: Mon 12th June Focus this part of your answer on the second half of the source from line 16 to the end. A student said ‘This part of the story, set during breakfast time, shows that Alex is struggling to cope with his mother’s illness.’ To what extent do you agree? In your response, you could: • consider your own impressions of Alex • evaluate how the writer shows that Alex is struggling to cope • support your response with references to the text What will you actually be evaluating? Mark scheme from the exam board Bronze – know how to evaluate a text Silver – to explain how to evaluate Gold – to evaluate a text based on a given statement

14 Paper 1: Tues 6th June The question is … Paper 2: Mon 12th June Focus this part of your answer on the second half of the source from line 16 to the end. A student said ‘This part of the story, set during breakfast time, shows that Alex is struggling to cope with his mother’s illness.’ To what extent do you agree? In your response, you could: • consider your own impressions of Alex • evaluate how the writer shows that Alex is struggling to cope • support your response with references to the text Mark scheme from the exam board Bronze – know how to evaluate a text Silver – to explain how to evaluate Gold – to evaluate a text based on a given statement

15 Paper 1: Tues 6th June The question is … Paper 2: Mon 12th June What could a writer do to present a character’s behaviour and personality? Mark scheme from the exam board Bronze – know how to evaluate a text Silver – to explain how to evaluate Gold – to evaluate a text based on a given statement

16 Paper 1: Tues 6th June What can a writer do…? Paper 2: Mon 12th June Give yourself a point for each of the following: Use of any of ANIMALS Use of dialogue Use of specific word classes for effect (verb/noun/adverb…) Description of Alex’s thoughts (internal monologue) Pathetic fallacy (nature eg. the weather re-enforcing his feelings) Use of different narrative perspectives Punctuation Have we missed anything? Mark scheme from the exam board Bronze – know how to evaluate a text Silver – to explain how to evaluate Gold – to evaluate a text based on a given statement

17 Paper 1: Tues 6th June The question is … Paper 2: Mon 12th June TECHNIQUE SPOT! On your table, come up with a list of techniques used from line 16 onwards in the text – how many can you find? Mark scheme from the exam board Bronze – know how to evaluate a text Silver – to explain how to evaluate Gold – to evaluate a text based on a given statement

18 Paper 1: Tues 6th June The question is … Paper 2: Mon 12th June Focus this part of your answer on the second half of the source from line 16 to the end. A student said ‘This part of the story, set during breakfast time, shows that Alex is struggling to cope with his mother’s illness.’ To what extent do you agree? In your response, you could: • consider your own impressions of Alex • evaluate how the writer shows that Alex is struggling to cope • support your response with references to the text Now have a go at commenting on techniques used from line 16 onwards in the text. Aim to find as many as possible AND TO EXPLAIN HOW THE TECHNIQUE PRESENTS ALEX AS STRUGGLING. Mark scheme from the exam board Bronze – know how to evaluate a text Silver – to explain how to evaluate Gold – to evaluate a text based on a given statement

19 Paper 1: Tues 6th June The question is … Paper 2: Mon 12th June Share your answer with someone with a similar target – which of their comments are most perceptive AND MOST CLEARLY EXPLAIN HOW WE KNOW ALEX IS STRUGGLING? Using the mark scheme to help you, consider how your partner could expand their answer even further. Swap advice and have a go at improving your response in a different coloured pen. Mark scheme from the exam board Bronze – know how to evaluate a text Silver – to explain how to evaluate Gold – to evaluate a text based on a given statement

20 Paper 1 Q4 mark scheme Paper 1: Paper 2: Tues 6th June Mon 12th June
Level Skills descriptors Level 4 Perceptive, detailed evaluation 16-20 marks Shows perceptive and detailed evaluation: Evaluates critically and in detail the effect(s) on the reader Shows perceptive understanding of writer’s methods Selects a judicious range of textual detail Develops a convincing and critical response to the focus of the statement Level 3 Clear, relevant evaluation 11-15 marks Shows clear and relevant evaluation: Evaluates clearly the effect(s) on the reader Shows clear understanding of writer’s methods Selects a range of relevant textual references Makes a clear and relevant response to the focus of the statement Level 2 Some evaluation 6-10 marks Shows some attempts at evaluation: Makes some evaluative comment(s) on effect(s) on the reader Shows some understanding of writer’s methods Selects some appropriate textual reference(s) Makes some response to the focus of the statement Level 1 Simple, limited evaluation 1-5 marks Shows simple, limited evaluation: Makes simple, limited evaluative comment(s) on effect(s) on reader Shows limited understanding of writer’s methods Selects simple, limited textual reference(s) Makes a simple, limited response to the focus of the statement

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