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How nouns function in a sentence

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Presentation on theme: "How nouns function in a sentence"— Presentation transcript:

1 How nouns function in a sentence

2 What is a noun? A person, place, thing, or an idea
Nouns are often signaled, but not always, by an article (a, an, the) May be singular or plural Function as the subject or object in a sentence When a noun is the subject of a sentence, he/she/it is doing the action of the sentence When a noun is the object of a sentence, he/she/it is receiving the action of the sentence

3 Examples of nouns Cat Man Tree Belief Love School Judaism Father
Restaurant House Stick Cup Child Bus Effect Loyalty

4 What are the different types of nouns?
Proper versus common nouns Proper nouns are capitalized and indicate a specific person, place, thing, or idea Brittany, the White House, Christianity, etc. Concrete versus abstract nouns Concrete nouns are immediate and physical nouns Tree, stick, cup, person, man, etc. Abstract nouns are ideas and qualities Sensationalism, honesty, loyalty, etc. Pronouns Replaces or modify a specific noun, usually its antecedent. He, she, it, this, etc.

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