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What words come to mind?.

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Presentation on theme: "What words come to mind?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What words come to mind?

2 Friday, 30 November 2018Friday, 30 November 2018
Cleopatra Friday, 30 November 2018Friday, 30 November 2018 LO: To use abstract and concrete nouns to describe. Some nouns are concrete: they can be seen and touched easily. Other nouns are abstract: just as real but without a shape. How many of both can you think of? Concrete Abstract Throne Authority Crown Respect

3 In Shakespeare’s play, Cleopatra uses Caesar to gain more power in Egypt but then she meets Mark Antony… Alexas will be read by: ____________ Cleopatra will be read by: ____________ Chairman will be read by: ____________

4 Bronze: write at least a full sentence to answer each questions on your script.
Silver: why does Cleopatra call Mark “my Mark Antony”? What does this hint at? Gold: How might Cleopatra shock an audience watching the play in Shakespeare’s time?

5 Can you identify the abstract and concrete nouns?
Cleopatra sits on her throne of power. She looks across her mighty empire and keeps her justice harshly. Many men desire this mighty queen but she only shows love to Mark Antony. Cleopatra’s crown, a hissing snake, reveals her passion and anger. Only a fool would mess with her!

6 Abstract or concrete? Cleopatra sits on her throne of power. She looks across her mighty empire and keeps her justice harshly. Many men desire this mighty queen but she only shows love to Mark Antony. Cleopatra’s crown, a hissing snake, reveals her passion and anger. Only a fool would mess with her!

7 Write your own description of Cleopatra
Use a mixture of abstract and concrete nouns. Write in full sentences. Describe Cleopatra in great detail. Use your script as inspiration.

8 Who wants to share?

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