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Maintenance Sheet 18 due Friday

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1 Maintenance Sheet 18 due Friday
Study Island * one question per concept BELLRINGER

2 Comprehensive Test 6.5

3 G3: I can determine all possible cross-sections of a solid.


5 Cross Sections Cross Sections

6 Parallel Cross Section
Cross Section - triangle Cross Section - rectangle base base Same shape as the base

7 Perpendicular Cross Section (when you slice through the base)
Cross Section - triangle Cross Section - rectangle Same shape as lateral (side) face

8 Cross Sections of a Cylinder
Parallel cut Perpendicular cut Cross Section - circle Cross Section - rectangle

9 Cross Section of a Rectangular Pyramid
Cross Section - triangle Cross Section – square/rectangle

10 Cross Section of a Triangular Prism
Cross Section - rectangle Cross Section - triangle

11 Let’s use the prism shown below to draw some general conclusions about prisms.
Triangular Prism When a prism is cut parallel to its base, the cross section will be the shape of the base. When a prism is cut perpendicular to the base AND GOES THROUGH THE TOP AND BOTTOM, the cross section will be a rectangle.

12 Cylinder Cross Sections

13 Let’s use the cylinder shown below to draw some general conclusions about cylinders.
When a cylinder is cut parallel to its base, the cross section will be the shape of the base. When a cylinder is cut perpendicular to the base AND GOES THROUGH THE TOP AND BOTTOM, the cross section will be a rectangle.

14 Let’s use the pyramid shown below to draw some general conclusions about pyramids.
Rectangular Pyramid When a pyramid is cut parallel to its base, the cross section will be the shape of the base. When a pyramid is cut perpendicular to the base AND GOES THROUGH THE TOP AND BOTTOM, the cross section will be a triangle.

15 2d Cylinder Cone Rectangular Pyramid Triangular Prism

16 Diagonal Cross Sections
Cross Section - rectangle Cross Section - hexagon Cross Section - pentagon

17 Cross Sections of a Cone
Perpendicular to base Parallel to base Diagonal to base Cross Section - triangle

18 Cross Sections of a Sphere
Cross Section - circle

19 Name the cross section formed when the square pyramid is cut by a vertical plane that does not pass through the vertex at its top. pyramid is

20 Name the 2d shape resulting from each cross section below.
(Parallel to the base) (Perpendicular to the base)

21 Name each cross section.
1. 2. 3. 3. Circle Circle Triangle

22 Name each cross section.
1. 3. 2. Triangle Rectangle Triangle 4. 6. 5. Triangle Square

23 Other Types of Cross Sections

24 Cross Sections Practice
Name the cross section. Circle Triangle Triangle Trapezoid Rectangle Ellipse Circle Rectangle

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