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The Nervous System.

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1 The Nervous System

2 Nervous System The control system that enables animals to detect a stimulus and coordinate a response

3 Stimulus and Response Stimulus: change in the environment that is detected by your body Response: Your body’s reaction to this stimulus

4 Stimuli and Responses Eg. Stimulus: you are in a sauna…it’s very hot!
Stimulus: someone yawns in front of you Stimulus: someone is about to poke you in the eye Reponse:

5 Structural Features Central Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System
Brain and Spinal Cord Peripheral Nervous System Carries signals between the CNS and the Body Relays information about the internal and external environments to the brain Relays instructions from the brain to other parts of the body

6 Parts of the Human Nervous System
Central nervous system made up of the brain and spine coordinates all components of the nervous system

7 Parts of the Human Nervous System
Peripheral nervous system All other nerves Relays information between central nervous system and other body parts

8 Parts of the Peripheral Nervous System
Somatic nervous system Nerves that control voluntary muscles Nerves that carry information from the sensory organs (eyes, ears, taste buds, touch receptors) Autonomic Nervous system Motor neurons that are unconsciously controlled Eg. Heart, body temp, blood pressure, pupil dilation, gland secretions

9 Nervous System Central Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System Brain
Spinal Cord Somatic Nerves Somatic Nervous System Autonomic Nerves Autonomic Nervous System Voluntary Involuntary Sensory Motor Sympathetic Parasympathetic

10 Parts of the Autonomic Nervous System
Sympathetic nerve Prepares body for danger Parasympathetic nerve Returns body to normal relaxed state after stress Sympathetic nerves counteract the effect of parasympathetic nerves

11 Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nerves

12 Parts of the Nervous System

13 Nerve Tissue Nerve tissue is made up of special cells called neurons
Functional unit of the nervous system. Uses electrical signals called impulses to communicate with other cells

14 Parts of a Neuron Dentrites Axon Myelin sheath
carry impulses from outside the cell into the cell body Axon carries the impulse away from the cell body towards neighbouring cells conducting wire Myelin sheath sometimes covers the axon, speeds up transmission of the nerve impulse


16 Parts of a Neuron Terminal knobs attach the neuron to other
cells (other neurons or target cells) Neurotransmitters Chemical released by the terminal knobs that carries the impulse from 1 neuron to another Synapse Space between the axon of one neuron and dentrites of an adjacent neuron Direction of impulse is always from the dentrites to the terminal knobs

17 Synapse

18 Nerve Nerves are bundles of neurons that are surrounded by connective tissue

19 Did you know? Average number of neurons
human brain= 100 billion octopus brain= 300 billion Longest axon of a neuron = around 15 feet (Giraffe primary afferent axon from toe to neck) Velocity of a signal transmitted through a neuron= 1.2 to 250 miles/hour adult brain: Human = 3 pounds (1,300-1,400 g) elephant = 6,000 g longest axon of a human neuron can be over a meter long, reaching from the base of the spine to the toes

20 Types of Neurons Sensory neurons Motor neurons Interneurons
carry impulses from sensory receptors (eye, ear, nose, skin, tongue) to the brain Motor neurons carry impulses from the brain or spinal cord to muscles for movement or glands for hormone secretion Interneurons link the sensory and motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord

21 Types of Neurons

22 The Human Endocrine System

23 The Human Endocrine System
The organ system that regulates the internal environment by releasing hormones into the bloodstream.

24 Hormone chemical released into the bloodstream by one type of cell that has an effect on another type of cell in a different location help regulate and coordinate the functions of almost all organ systems important in maintaining a constant internal environment control many developmental changes

25 Gland Organ that manufactures and secretes hormones
Pituitary gland and Hypothalamus control the hormone secretions of several other glands in the body Pituitary gland secretes the most hormones in the body

26 Glands of the Endocrine System

27 Homework Activity: Mapping Sensory Receptors p.105
Equipment & Materials: paper clip and ruler p. 107 # 1, 2, 4, 5

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