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Do you want to have a cute and intimate pets

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1 Do you want to have a cute and intimate pets
Do you want to have a cute and intimate pets? She will kiss you when you back home. she will accompany with you when you’re sleepy . She is my pet --- Pony. She was a stray dog before. 6 year ago she become our family member and live happily.

2 But, most stray dogs are not lucky as Pony.


4 They sleep on the street or corner in cold winter
They sleep on the street or corner in cold winter. No one care about them, they always search for food in trash and eat leftovers. Most of them get skin disease, it will make them uncomfortable. Some of them even lose their leg. The most appalling is that some people abuse or harm them

5 Rate of euthanasia 72% According to the survey, the rote of euthanasia is 72%. In the other words, if there are 10 stray dogs, 7of them will be killed

6 If you want adoption or help them, just key in this website, you can find a lot information about them.

7 Give me a home if you love me
If you want to have a sweet and cute pets, You may consider adoption of stray dogs. You are not only have a cute pets but also save a life. Give them a home if you love them.

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