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DOMOTICA MEI MAAND Sander Claassen John Heesterbeek Ad van Berlo

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Presentation on theme: "DOMOTICA MEI MAAND Sander Claassen John Heesterbeek Ad van Berlo"— Presentation transcript:

1 DOMOTICA MEI MAAND Sander Claassen John Heesterbeek Ad van Berlo
Marco van Nieuwenhoven MADspace community 1 1

2 Program * Avond 1 - 2 mei Domoticz @ RasbperryPi
* Avond mei Sensors & actuators * Avond mei Domotics bus-systems * Avond mei Blocky & node red * Avond mei Strut your stuff 2 2 2

3 Workshop 1. Introduction 2. Preparations
3. Build your own sensor (esp8266) 4. Sensor programming 5. Add sensor to Domoticz 6. Build your own switch 6. Add switch to Domoticz 7. RFLink 3 3 3

4 Chemical gas sensor (MQ series)
Various sensors... Sensors Rain sensor Dallas DS18B20 DHT11 DHT22 Smart meter (P1) TSL2561 Nova SDS011 CO2 Reed Pir Chemical gas sensor (MQ series) 4 4 4

5 Switches... and actuators
LED controller Relay Servo Thermostat ‘smart’ lights and wall outlets Momentary / push button switches 5 5 5

6 ...enable the ‘smart’ experience
6 6 6

7 Build your own sensor Building-steps for Dallas DS18B20 temperature sensor 1. Program ESP8266 using ESP EASY tool 2. Configure ESP8266 3. Connection diagram: 7 7 7

8 Build your own sensor Pin-out for flashing your ESP8266 using ESPEASY:* * Preferably add a 10k Ohm resistor between CH_PD (enable) pin and Vcc 3.3 V power to avoid excessive current trough IO pin. * Preferably also add 10k Ohm resistor between CH_PD/ CHIP EN(able) and VCC 3.3 to avoid excessive IO current. ** ONLY connect GPIO 0 to GND during flashing!!! (Typical current per GPIO pin = 6mA! (max 12mA!!!)) 8 8 8

9 Build your own sensor Optionally use an adapter... 9 9 9

10 Build your own sensor Downloading ESP EASY
- - MEGA = Development fork = Alpha Or: ESPEasy_R147_RC8 for ESP-01!!! - tools
/software/usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers (CP210X drivers) drivers (CP210X drivers) 10 10 10

11 Build your own sensor For Windows users: flash.cmd 11 11 11
Comport: Use “mode” command or Windows Device Manager Flash Size: 1024 (1MB) Build: 147 Selecteer de Normal versie, specifiek voor het type microcontroller en geheugen grootte *Always select the stable/ normal version, specified for the type of uC and the applicable amount of memory. 11 11 11

12 Build your own sensor For Linux/ Mac users:
Install “PIP/PIP2” -> (apt-get install PIP or PIP2) ./ --port /dev/ttyUSB0 write_flash -fm dio -fs 1MB 0x00000 ESPEasy_R147_1024.bin 12 12 12

13 Build your own sensor Power cycle the ESP, wait for it... and... it’s alive !!! You can now connect to your device by connecting to the following wireless network: SSID: ESP_Easy_0 Key: configesp IP Address: 13 13 13

14 Build your own sensor Configuration 14

15 Build your own sensor Linking Domoticz Standard = port 8080 ! 15 15 15

16 Build your own sensor Adding a sensor 16 16 16

17 Build your own sensor Adding a switch 17 17 17

18 Build your own sensor IDX… Adding hardware device to Domoticz 18 18 18

19 Build your own sensor IDX… Adding a device to Domoticz 19
Sensor: (DHT 11/22) Actuator: LED / relay / switch 19 19 19

20 Build your own sensor IDX… Looking up IDX 20
Reminder: Activate your device! 20 20 20

21 IDX link in ESP EASY 21 21 21

22 Linking dashboard button to JSON actuator in Domoticz
22 22 22

23 Enable favorite device to show also on Dashboard!!!
Linking a sensor to the dashboard in Domoticz When a switch, sensor or any input is linked, it will appear automatically in the appropriate Sensor- / Switch- / Utility- / ... tab Enable favorite device to show also on Dashboard!!! Enable favorite device to show on Dashboard 23 23 23

24 Link demo environment (hardware):
Address: Poort: 8080 Username: Demo Password: Demo Vergeet niet je devices te activeren! 24 24 24

25 Workshop 25 25 25

26 Programma * Avond 1 - 2 mei Domoticz @ RasbperryPi
* Avond mei Sensors & actuators * Avond mei Domotics bus-systems * Avond mei Blocky & node red * Avond mei Strut your stuff 26 26 26

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