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Declarative Creation of Enterprise Applications

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1 Declarative Creation of Enterprise Applications
S. Sudarshan IIT Bombay

2 Database Applications Today
Thousands of lines of code and lots of programmer time to generate even simple OLTP applications simple reporting applications Much time/LOC wasted on generating UI and checking constraints that may already be in DB Limitations of current user interfaces How to find interface that does what you want? Can you search for UIs? How to use the interface? How to further play with generated data? Create interfaces on the fly? SQL is difficult Enterprise data vs. web data Optimization of programmer time

3 Proposal: Declarative Creation of UIs
Form creation Data input (esp for OLTP) E.g. Specify DB target of input fields, UI and constraints should be auto-generated If target is procedure, constraints should be propagated from DB to procedure parameters Soft vs. hard constraints  constraint override authorization Declarative specification of simple workflows Declarative specification of authorization

4 Finding Information Hard to find user interfaces
Keyword query to find interfaces? Integrating information from different sources Keyword Queries? Display of keyword query results next page … home page for org. entity vs. home page for topic can this be autogenerated?

5 author (near concurrency)
“christos papadimitriou” concurrency

6 Home Page Per Entity? Can we autogenerate this?
How about collections of entities?

7 BANKS Project Keyword search on graph structured data Earlier work
Algorithms for efficient search on in-memory data (ICDE02, VLDB05) external memory (disk) data (VLDB 08) distributed memory graphs (cluster) (Ongoing work) Web-scale data Annotated with wikipedia topics

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