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28 January 2015 Do Now: What would be in your personal Bill of Rights? Write 3-5 ideas and explain each. Today, I will be able to explain the compromise.

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Presentation on theme: "28 January 2015 Do Now: What would be in your personal Bill of Rights? Write 3-5 ideas and explain each. Today, I will be able to explain the compromise."— Presentation transcript:

1 28 January 2015 Do Now: What would be in your personal Bill of Rights? Write 3-5 ideas and explain each. Today, I will be able to explain the compromise made between Federalists and Antifederalists. Also, “…” the contents of the B.O.Rs. ***Your essay should be stapled as follows: Rubric, Essay, then organizer (20 pts large weight)*** ***If you haven’t done so, turn in 7.4; for partial credit.*** ***Retake: Federalism and Separation of Powers Quiz, you need to be caught up on all assignments in order to retake this quiz, which will be averaged).*** You have until the progress report.

2 Weekly Rundown 26 Jan: Work on essay organizer
27 Jan: 7.4 is due (15 pts hw weight); essay organizer is due (5pts), class time to work on argumentative essay 28 Jan: Argumentative essay is due (20 pts, major weight). U.S. Constitution 29 Jan: U.S. Constitution handout 30 Jan: Bill of Rights; U.S. Constitution handout.

3 Bill of Rights The B.O.Rs is the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The B.O.Rs added to the Constitution 3 years after the ratification. The B.O.Rs was ratified by ¾ of the states. Inspired by the English Bill of Rights and the French Declaration of the Rights and Man and of the Citizen BORs 1-5 BORs 6-10

4 1st Amendment Freedom of religion Freedom of speech Freedom of press
Right to peacefully assemble Right to petition the government

5 2nd Amendment Right to bear arms and maintain a well-regulated militia.

6 3rd Amendment Protection from quartering of troops

7 4th Amendment Protection from unreasonable search and seizure

8 5th Amendment Due process, double jeopardy, self-incrimination, private property

9 6th Amendment Trial by jury and other rights of the accused

10 7th Amendment Civil trial by jury

11 8th Amendment Prohibition of excessive bail, as well as cruel and unusual punishment

12 9th Amendment Protection of rights not specifically enumerated in the Bill of Rights

13 10 Amendment Powers of states and people

14 Crash Course Crash Course Constitution

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