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ILS: Instant Localization System

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1 ILS: Instant Localization System
for Underwater Mobile Networks Youngtae Noh, Joshua Joy, Prerna Vij, Dony George, Mario Gerla UCLA, Computer Science {ytnoh, jjoy, prernavij, donyg, Existing localization schemes: Require at least three ships/sonobuoys on surface OR, require AUVs to dive`n’rise to update location information Monitoring Center Our Solution: one ship/sonobuoy AUV equipped with pressure gauges - provides accurate depth information (<1m) - 3D localization becomes 2D Accurate distance between two nodes - can be acquired by propagation delay between the two AUV’s travel distance and direction - acquired by accelerometer and compass readings dt1 dt2 d∆t dt1 dt2 d∆t N We can calculate the direction from AUV to Monitoring Center : The other direction from AUV to MC can be calculated as follows: One direction from AUV to MC can be calculated as follows: Reference [1] M. Erol, L. F. M. Vieira, and M. Gerla, “Localization with dive`n’rise (dnr) beacons for underwater acoustic sensor networks,” in WuWNet. ACM, 2007. [2] B. Jalving, “Depth accuracy in seabed mapping with underwater vehicles,” in OCEANS ’99 MTS/IEEE, 1999. Supported by NSF Grant: SEA-Swarm

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