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The United States Neutrality

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1 The United States Neutrality
Essential Question: How well did the United States Demonstrate Neutrality before Pearl Harbor?

2 1930s Americans Support Neutrality
Americans passionately supported this isolationism.  Like Europeans, they recalled the horrors of World War I and wanted to avoid getting drawn into a new conflict.  1930s Americans Support Neutrality


4   Neutrality Acts Prevented America from selling Arms, Ammunition or implements of War to warring nations

5  In September 1940, Germany, Italy, and Japan signed the Tripartite Pact, making Japan a member of the Axis powers.  After war broke out in Europe, isolationism lost some of its appeal for Americans. Most now openly supported the Allies Axis Power Formed

6 United States Stretches Neutrality
In September 1940, first peacetime military draft in U.S. History. 16 Million Men “Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars.” United States Stretches Neutrality

7 United States Stretches Neutrality
Dec. 1940, the Battle of Britain was raging. Roosevelt was determined to provide Britain “all aid short of war” 1941 Lend-Lease Act: a plan to lend arms to Britain June 1941, Hitler broke the Nonaggression Pact by attacking the Soviet Union. Britain announced its support for the USSR, US began sending supplies to USSR country under the Lend-Lease Act. United States Stretches Neutrality

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