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Lesson 1.

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1 Lesson 1


3 Competition! Find a word relating to what we have studied so far in America, with the highest numerical score

4 By the end of this lesson, everybody will be able to
SUMMARISE key chronology in the Mexican War EXPLAIN why America won the Mexican War ASSESS whether the Mexican War was a turning point in North-South relations

5 Causes of the Mexican War
Read through the causes of the Mexican War. Filter the information into key terms and ideas CHALLENGE Identify the following types of causes of the Mexican war: Long term Short term Trigger Questioning – which is the most important key idea you have identified. Ask two and get someone else to decide which they think it better. SUMMARISE key chronology in the Mexican War


7 For this weeks homework, you outlined the events and consequences of the Mexican War. We are going to play a game based on that information, called ‘just a minute’. The objective of this game, is for one person on your table to talk about the Mexican War for 60 seconds without hesitation, repetition or deviation. If the person hesitates/repeats/deviates, tap your hand on the table. The first person to tap and correctly challenge, takes over the talking. You get a point if you… Challenge correctly Are talking at the end But you lose a point if you… Challenge incorrectly Just a Minute SUMMARISE key chronology in the Mexica War

8 Compared to Mexico, America had a smaller army, but a population twice the size as big. America had a stronger industrial base, and therefore more military potential. America’s main advantages were superior artillery, junior officers trained at West Point (US military academy), enthusiastic volunteers and naval supremacy. When rumours of war with Mexico reached California, Fremont (explorer in the West, and son-in-law of Missouri’s powerful senator Thomas Hart Benton) took it upon himself to assist settlers in uprising and proclaiming an independent California. Fremont was named leader and a flag was raised depicting a large bear as a symbol of independence. A month later the US navy arrived in Monterey and San Francisco Harbours, and raised an American flag. Stephen Watts Kearny occupied Santa Fe (New Mexico) on 18th August 1846, without a shot being fired. After raising an American flag at Santa Fe, Kearny left behind a garrison and moved onto California, where they helped put down a Mexican uprising against American rule. The bulk of fighting was in central Mexico. February 1847, Taylor defeated San Anna’s army at the Battle of Buena Vista. Mexico still refuse to accept defeat. Polk ordered American forced under Winified Scott to march inland towards Mexico city – they go on to occupy the Mexico’s capital. The Mexican War Develop this information into bullet points that explain why America won the Mexican War EXPLAIN why America won the Mexican War

9 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
$15,000,000 Texas; California and present day New Mexico, Cali, Nevada and Utah; pay Mexico $15 million (called Mexican Seccsion) Half a million square miles, Polk sent Trist, had a change of heart and recalled Trist ignored Polk an signed treaty Get’s it to Washington where Polk distains, but sends to the Senate Senate ratify (34:14) 5 democrats and 7 whig

10 Was the Mexican War a turning point in North/South relations?
For Against

11 Was the Mexican War a turning point in North/South relations?
Most of the territory was South of the Missouri Compromise line. North: Mexican war was part of a ‘slave conspiracy theory’ Polk did not understand what the fuss was about. ‘There is no probability that any territory will ever be acquired from Mexico in which slavery would ever exist. Some agree with Polk e.g. Crittenden of Kentucky said slavery was not an issue. Some in Polk’s own party were not happy, and felt moved to speak on the matter. Some disagreed because cotton was already grown in areas of New Mexico. Southern Convention ‘ California is particularly adapted for slave labour.’ North: Massachusetts's legislature called the war ‘unconstitutional’ because of its ‘objective to expand slaver… control of free states’. Georgia newspaper: it would ‘secure to the South the balance of power in the Confederacy, and, for all coming time…’

12 How many points can you score in 5 minutes
CHALLENGE GRID How many points can you score in 5 minutes Why might the Mexican-War be seen as turning point? [3 points] Recall one term in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo [1 points] Explain the trigger of the Mexican War [2 points] Explain why Zachary and Scott are considered hero in the Mexican war Describe one advantage America had going into the Mexican war Judge and justify the main cause of the Mexican war. Recall one cause of the Mexican War Explain why Polk was unhappy with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

13 Lesson 2

14 What object has keys that open no locks, space but no room, and you can enter but not go in?
. keyboard

15 Competition! Find a word relating to what we have studied so far in America, with the highest numerical score

16 SLPOASCTE . Lost in space Say what you see!

17 How many points can you score in 5 minutes
CHALLENGE GRID How many points can you score in 5 minutes Why might the Mexican-War be seen as turning point? [3 points] Recall one term in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo [1 points] Explain the trigger of the Mexican War [2 points] Explain why Zachary and Scott are considered hero in the Mexican war Describe one advantage America had going into the Mexican war Judge and justify the main cause of the Mexican war. Recall one cause of the Mexican War Judge and justify the main reason America won the Mexican war. Explain why Polk was unhappy with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

18 Gradebook Assessment

19 What object has keys that open no locks, space but no room, and you can enter but not go in?
. keyboard

20 Henry Clay Views on Slavery Politics 1840’s America Other
Political Party Slavery – specifically President nominee

21 America Source Q’s The source question for the America will involve primary sources. In you’re exam there will be one question based on 3 sources [30 marks] The question will ask you how valuable the primary sources are to historians who are studying X. Today, we are doing one question on one source [10 marks]

22 What does valuable mean?
‘How valuable’ means: How much insight can the source give you on a specific topic (i.e. how much can it tell you?) What a primary source give you insight to: Individuals/groups motivations Individuals views Beliefs at the time Events and arguments surrounding them People’s justification for their actions. What increases the value of a primary source: Author being of great significance/having great insight into what is happening The audience being large or significant The source containing detail you don’t find elsewhere The argument giving an insight into debates and issues of the time How a person or group perceive the world (particular view point is valuable) Tone displaying the emotion or strength of response to the event or action What does valuable mean? What can a primary source give you insight to? How might the value of a primary source be increased?

23 Valuable does NOT mean:
Whether it is biased or not Rewriting what the source says ‘It is reliable because it is from the time’ ‘It is from Abraham Lincoln so it is biased’ I or my

24 Nature of the sources (letter, speech, novel) Author Date & context
POINT EVIDENCE EXPLAIN P1. PROVENANCE P2. TONE/EMPHASIS P3. CONTENT/ARGUMENT Nature of the sources (letter, speech, novel) Author Date & context Audience Bring in your own knowledge about the points you raise. This is a ‘depth’ module – be as detailed as possible! How is the source valuable to a historian How is the valuable of the source limited Language (emotive, literary devices) Tone (aggressive/legal/balanced) What increases the value of a primary source: Author being of great significance/having great insight into what is happening The audience being large or significant The source containing detail you don’t find elsewhere The argument giving an insight into debates and issues of the time How a person or group perceive the world (particular view point is valuable) Tone displaying the emotion or strength of response to the event or action What view(s) are being presented? What detail does the source contain? (Go through bit by bit)

25 Random

26 America had a smaller army, but twice the population of Mexico
America had a smaller army, but twice the population of Mexico. America had a stronger industrial base, and therefore more military potential. America’s main advantages were superior artillery, junior officers trained at West Point (US military academy), enthusiastic volunteers and naval supremacy. When rumours of war with Mexico reached California, Fremont (explorer in the West and son-in-law of Missouri’s powerful senator Thomas Hart Benton) took it upon himself to assist settlers in uprising and proclaiming an independent California. Fremont was named leader and a flag was raised depicting a large bear as a symbol of independence. A month later the US navy arrived in Monterey and San Francisco Harbours, and raised an American flag. Stephen Watts Kearny occupied Santa Fe (New Mexico) on 18th August 1846, without a shot being fired. After raising an American flag at Santa Fe, Kearny left behind a garrison and moved onto California, where they helped put down a Mexican uprising against American rule. The bulk of fighting was in central Mexico. February 1847, Taylor defeated San Anna’s army at the Battle of Buena Vista. Mexico still refuse to accept defeat. Polk ordered American forced under Winified Scott to march inland towards Mexico city – they go on to occupy the Mexico’s capital. America had a smaller army, but twice the population of Mexico. America had a stronger industrial base, and therefore more military potential. America’s main advantages were superior artillery, junior officers trained at West Point (US military academy), enthusiastic volunteers and naval supremacy. When rumours of war with Mexico reached California, Fremont (explorer in the West and son-in-law of Missouri’s powerful senator Thomas Hart Benton) took it upon himself to assist settlers in uprising and proclaiming an independent California. Fremont was named leader and a flag was raised depicting a large bear as a symbol of independence. A month later the US navy arrived in Monterey and San Francisco Harbours, and raised an American flag. Stephen Watts Kearny occupied Santa Fe (New Mexico) on 18th August 1846, without a shot being fired. After raising an American flag at Santa Fe, Kearny left behind a garrison and moved onto California, where they helped put down a Mexican uprising against American rule. The bulk of fighting was in central Mexico. February 1847, Taylor defeated San Anna’s army at the Battle of Buena Vista. Mexico still refuse to accept defeat. Polk ordered American forced under Winified Scott to march inland towards Mexico city – they go on to occupy the Mexico’s capital.

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