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ACT Prep.

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1 ACT Prep

2 56% of college students finish a 4 year degree in 6 years
32% of college students finish a 2 year degree within 3 years

3 The National Average ACT 21.1
Bedford County

4 Student improvement from the first time to the second time taking the ACT is 1 point.
After this course..

5 Students should take the ACT multiple times

6 Strategy is the key to raising ACT scores

7 Language, Math, Reading, Science
The math section is ordered by difficulty Science section is interpreting and analyzing graphs, tables, charts

8 What is a minute?

9 Don’t get stuck on a “black hole” question

10 Don’t change answers.. Go with your first instinct

11 The “no change” choice will often be the choice of answers

12 When out of time…. Pick a column and bubble straight down to the end of the section

13 Keep your answer sheet under the test and line it up with the corresponding test page

14 Don’t worry about other students and their timing.
Pace yourself

15 Format of the ACT English 75 45 min Math 60 60 min. Reading 40 35 min.
Science min. Total 215 questions 2 h 55 min

16 score 1-36 on all 4 parts A composite score or the average of the 4 test is your score ACT is scored by taking the number of right answers ACT does not take off points for wrong answers 4 multiple choice answers except Math has 5

17 Point values English… 2.5 questions per point….. 5 correct will raise your final score 2 points Math… 2.5 questions per point….. 5 correct will raise your final score 2 points Reading… 1.33 questions per point….. 4 correct will raise your final score 3 points science… 1.50 questions per point….. 3 correct will raise your final score 2 points

18 You should always fill in the/ an answer
Wrong answers are treated the same as blanks… so wrong answers do not count against you

19 English Portion of the Test
5 short passages each with 15 questions Usage and mechanics and rhetorical

20 Math portion… skill based
60 questions In order by difficulty 5 choices for answers instead of 4 Pre- algebra, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, coordinate geometry, plane geometry and trigonometry Get a calculator to help with time management even though all skills can be done by hand

21 Reading 4 passages with 10 questions each.. 35 minutes
Art literature, social studies and sciences Answers are found in the passage.. But you do not have to understand the passage YOU do not have to answer all the passages…. You can answer 3 more accurately and not do the 4th and make a high score Multiple choice with 4 choices Random order

22 Reading 8 minutes 45 seconds per passage
Accuracy is more important than bulk FOCUS on the reading section is on TIME per passage You don’t have to understand or memorize things Look for main ideas

23 8:45 then you can do all 4 passages and all questions
10 min target score passages 30 questions with 5 minutes left to fill in ovals 11-12 min target score passages 30 questions 13-14 min. Target score passages quickly… 2 passages more accurate 15 min passages 20 questions

24 Reading strategy - do your strongest passage type first
Don’t leave anything blank Skip black hole questions

25 Science 7 passages with 5-7 questions each IN 35 MINUTES
3 types of passages: data representation, research summary, conflicting viewpoints Tables, charts, graphs interpret and analysis

26 Highlight the tables, charts, figures

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