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The development of WISE and the status of WfD Art.8 submission

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1 The development of WISE and the status of WfD Art.8 submission
Stefan Jensen

2 WISE has been launched on March 22nd 2007…

3 With a strong role of EEA as - European water data centre - provider of thematic information and data in WISE

4 From ”stand-alone” EIONET water to data integration in WISE
New ways of communication! ... from tabular data to interactive maps ... New integrative viewing and assessment options (merging EU directives) First time supporting the themes Information on MyRiverbasin and competent authorities in MS European water bodies at risk and / or highly modified Water quality (nitrates, phosphates, Ammonium, BOD) in rivers and lakes Urban Waste water treatment European bathing water status Multiple spatial reference data (Corine Landcover, Image2000, Digital Elevation Models, GISCO, Teleatlas layers)

5 WISE public viewer: e.g. information from EIONET in WISE
Finland & Bothnian Bay River stations Gauging stations Lake stations Marine stations

6 From European level to stations
Nitrate levels at rivers stations Weser

7 WISE map and data access:
Full access at River Basin District view simple, regional, overview Thematic view medium details, thematic Expert view complex, full functionality, all

8 WISE as part of SEIS – first phase snapshot
Strategic level (macro) Operational level (meso) Quick wins (micro) Pilot phase ( ) SEIS concept paper EPRG/MB Benefits analysis Inspire transposition phase consultation GMES/GEOSS links Budgetary matters (Life+) EC Communication Diagnostic visits 38 countries Enhancements Reportnet Guidelines national implementation plans European Data Centres Water/land/ biodiversity GHG emissions reporting Extension ozone web Environmental Signals

9 WISE principles are SEIS principles
Based on a cooperation of EU institutions and Member States Information should be managed as close as possible to its source Distributed WISE nodes – first tests in 2007 Information is provided once and used for many purposes As of 2007 Reportnet is the WFD reporting tool e.g. Information should be accessible to enable clients to make comparisons at the appropriate geographical scale (e.g. cities, countries, river basins, catchment areas) Information should be made available to the public after due consideration of the appropriate level of aggregation, … … given possible confidentiality constraints, and at national level in the national language(s) (needs to be developed) European funding mechanisms should focus on delivering cost-effective analytical tools and services that allow coherent and comparable use of SEIS at the European level, between the European and Eionet levels and between Eionet countries. E.g. HarmoiCA (see projects under


11 Status of WISE Art.8 submission
21 countries reported Art.8 monitoring sites to WISE (currently missing: BG, ET, GR, IT, MT, RO) Status : 146 Riverbasin districts reported Mostly XML files reported PL only GIS format (shape files) Take a look at

12 Or open a .kml file in GoogleEarth/GoogleMap

13 … and sometimes you see a lot

14 Mapping deliverables – between monitoring networks

15 Mapping deliverables – against water bodies

16 Mapping deliverables – identifying EIONET links

17 e.g. count of SW stations by country*
583 FR 2321 BE 209 HU 384 CY 50 LT 1469 CZ 961 LU 17 DE 8538 LV 558 DK 1079 NL 523 ES 4852 SE 2209 FI 259 UK 12798 *Based on an EEA analysis by Hermann Peifer

18 Summary of Art.8 status Efficient, timely submissions
Many stations submitted (> to date) Only few Member States missing Data quality needs to be checked (positive first visual checks) EIONET relation only identified in a minority of cases Final confirmation has to be provided by Member States

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