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City of Skopje Good practice Safety in Traffic in Skopje Prof.d-r Mile Dimitrovski, President of the Scientific Commity Macedonian National Council for.

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Presentation on theme: "City of Skopje Good practice Safety in Traffic in Skopje Prof.d-r Mile Dimitrovski, President of the Scientific Commity Macedonian National Council for."— Presentation transcript:

1 City of Skopje Good practice Safety in Traffic in Skopje Prof.d-r Mile Dimitrovski, President of the Scientific Commity Macedonian National Council for Road Traffic Safety MNCRTS

2 City of Skopje 1. Background of case study (Problem description) (1) 1.1 road safety in the past years has been continuously unfavorable, with tendency for deterioration which was especially emphasized in the past period. 1.2 relatively low level of traffic technical culture and high level of indiscipline.

3 City of Skopje 1. Background of case study (Problem description)(2) 1.3. Important place was not given to the problems related to the roads and their traffic technical development 1.4. Functioning of the City and Municipal Councils on road traffic safety, which are the main actors in the field activities, should be improved 1.5. The results by implementing new law are not sufficient but believe that 2008 and the near future the results and effectives will be better

4 City of Skopje 1. Background of case study (Problem description)(3) 1.6. Preparing national strategy for traffic safety harmonized with European strategy is starting the in 2008 1.7. The new regulation for traffic signs harmonized with EU is adopted in 2007 1.8. Transformation the institution in Road traffic safety traffic goes over period of 1990 – 2005. In that period partly they work on upgrading the level of safety in traffic.

5 City of Skopje 2. Target group All participants in traffic

6 City of Skopje 3. Measures planned and Measures already implemented (1) 3.1 Promotion of the traffic preventive measures and raising the traffic technical culture among all traffic participants. 3.2 Organization and participation at specialized seminars and workshops with the teaching staff from the primary and secondary schools 3.3 Organization of educational traffic activities for the adults traffic participants

7 City of Skopje 3. Measures planned and Measures already implemented (2) 3.4 Reconstruction the actual road signalization 3.5 Implementing the new technologies in road signalization on the territory of the City of Skopje, (also in Macedonia) 3.6 Effective implementation the new penalty policy in traffic and increasing the control of drivers

8 City of Skopje 4. Alternatives to planned measures 4.1 Regular education for traffic law and safety in primary and high schools and organization the manifestation for popularization the traffic culture and traffic behavior 4.2 Traffic prevention – education of children up to 7 years 4.3 Strong implementation the new penalty policy in traffic and increasing the control of drivers

9 City of Skopje 5. Accompanying measures 5.1 Popularization the traffic culture and traffic behavior through regular reports in radio and newspapers 5.2 Education for traffic law and safety in primary and high schools

10 City of Skopje 6. Problems while implementing Not so good cooperation between all stakeholders.

11 City of Skopje 7. Necessary funding and available funding 7.1. In Macedonian Nacional Council on Road Traffic Safety and National Strategy for road safety for 2008 the appropriate funds are planned. 7.2. The Skopje City budget for 2008 it is regular case to be planned funds for reconstruction and implementation the new road signalization. 7.3 These funds always are not enough.

12 City of Skopje 8. Necessary personnel and available personnel 8.1 Macedonian Nacional Council on Road Traffic Safety actually are engaged 23 persons but for effective realization its planed to engaged 31 persons.

13 City of Skopje 9. Needed cooperation City of Skopje Department for traffic, ZELS (Association of the Units of Local Self-Government), municipalities, Schools, Media and NGO Association of drivers and Auto Moto Association and other stakeholders.

14 City of Skopje 10. Expected results (1) 10.1 Activities for promotion of traffic education among the children from pre-school institutions, primary and secondary schools 10.2 Activities related to the promotion of traffic- technical development and traffic regulation 10.3 Participation and encouragement of scientific- research work on trafic safety and prevention, organization of specialised seminars and workshops, visits in the country and abroad for sharing experiences etc.

15 City of Skopje 10. Expected results (2) 10.4 Coopretaion with the bodies, organizations and institutions, municial councils and ZELS that work on promotion of traffic prevention and safety 10.5 Joint activities and cooperation with the media

16 City of Skopje 11. Next steps (1) 11.1 Daily information on the situation with road safety; 11.2 Organization of thematic articles in the daily newspapers, which will refer to the current problems and the traffic safety issues; 11.3 Continuous incentives for articles in the magazines for children, which have been adjusted to their age, and publishing a special magazine Child and traffic; 11.4 Incentives for the work of the professional magazines that deal with problems of traffic education and raising the technical culture among the traffic participants;

17 City of Skopje 11. Next steps (2) 11.5 Shooting traffic videos for different purposes and being shown by the electronic media; 11.6 Incentives for organization of specialized programs for traffic safety at the national radios and television stations. 11.7 Participation in the organization of programs for children aimed for traffic education of the children; 11.8 Organization of debate programs related to the problems of road safety and other articles and shows

18 City of Skopje 12. Action plan for the future 12.1 Reconstruction the actual road signalization on the territory of Macedonia 12.2 Implementation of new technologies in road signalization 12.3 In other activities MNCRTS is a supporter and partner in theirs realization.

19 City of Skopje Good practice Safety in Traffic in Skopje The End of the presenatation Prof.d-r Mile Dimitrovski, President of the Commity Macedonian National Council for Road Traffic Safety

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