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Instructor: Alexander Stoytchev

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1 Instructor: Alexander Stoytchev
CprE 281: Digital Logic Instructor: Alexander Stoytchev

2 Review for the Final Exam
CprE 281: Digital Logic Iowa State University, Ames, IA Copyright © Alexander Stoytchev

3 Administrative Stuff The FINAL exam is scheduled for
Monday Dec 2:15 – 4:15 PM It will be in this room.

4 Final Exam Format The exam will cover: Chapter 1 to Chapter 6, and Sections Emphasis will be on Chapter 5, 6, and 7 The exam will be open book and open notes (you can bring up to 5 pages of handwritten/typed notes) plus your textbook.

5 Final Exam Format The exam will be out of 130 points
You need 95 points to get an A It will be great if you can score more than 100 points. but you can’t roll over your extra points 

6 Topics for the Final Exam
K-maps for 2, 3, and 4 variables Multiplexers (circuits and function) Synthesis of logic functions using multiplexers Shannon’s Expansion Theorem 1’s complement and 2’s complement representation Addition and subtraction of binary numbers Circuits for adding and subtracting Serial adder Latches (circuits, behavior, timing diagrams) Flip-Flops (circuits, behavior, timing diagrams) Counters (up, down, synchronous, asynchronous) Registers and Register Files

7 Topics for the Final Exam
Synchronous Sequential Circuits FSMs Moore Machines Mealy Machines State diagrams, state tables, state-assigned tables State minimization Designing a counter Arbiter Circuits Reverse engineering a circuit ASM Charts Register Machines Bus structure and Simple Processors Something from Star Wars

8 How to Study for the Final Exam
Form a study group Go over the slides for this class Go over the homeworks again Go over the problems at the end of Ch 5 & 6 Exercise Get some sleep

9 Administrative Stuff Please check your grades on BlackBoard
Let me know if something is wrong or missing

10 Sample Problems

11 ASM Charts Given an ASM chart draw the corresponding FSM

12 ASM Charts Given an ASM chart draw the corresponding FSM
z 1 = Reset B A w [ Figure 6.82 from the textbook ] [ Figure 6.3 from the textbook ]


14 ASM Charts Given an FSM draw the corresponding ASM Chart

15 ASM Charts Given an FSM draw the corresponding ASM Chart
[ Figure 6.23 from the textbook ] [ Figure 6.83 from the textbook ]


17 Circuit Implementation of FSMs Implement this state-assigned Table using JK flip-flips

18 Circuit Implementation of FSMs Implement this state-assigned Table using JK flip-flips

19 Excitation table with JK flip-flops
Circuit Implementation of FSMs Implement this state-assigned Table using JK flip-flips Excitation table with JK flip-flops [ Figure 6.94 from the textbook ]


21 Register Machines: What does this program do?
How many balls are left in each register at the end of the program? Register 1 Register 2 Register 3 STEP INSTRUCTION REGISTER GO TO STEP [BRANCH TO STEP] 1. Deb 3 1 2 2. 4 3. Inc 4. End

22 Move the contents of register 2 to register 3
Register Machines: Move the contents of register 2 to register 3 Register 1 Register 2 Register 3 STEP INSTRUCTION REGISTER GO TO STEP [BRANCH TO STEP] 1. Deb 3 1 2 2. 4 3. Inc 4. End


24 Register Machines: What does this program do?
How many balls are left in each register at the end of the program? Register 1 Register 2 Register 3 STEP INSTRUCTION REGISTER GO TO STEP [BRANCH TO STEP] 1. Deb 3 1 2 2. 3. 4 6 4. Inc 5 5. 6. 7 8 7. 8. End

25 Register Machines: Copy the contents of register 1 to register 3
using register 2 as a temporary storage Register 1 Register 2 Register 3 STEP INSTRUCTION REGISTER GO TO STEP [BRANCH TO STEP] 1. Deb 3 1 2 2. 3. 4 6 4. Inc 5 5. 6. 7 8 7. 8. End


27 What does this circuit do?
[ Figure 6.75 from the textbook ]

28 Approach Find the flip-flops
Outputs of the flip-flops = present state variables Inputs of the flip-flops determine the next state variables Determine the logical expressions for the outputs Given this info it is easy to do the state-assigned table Next do the state table Finally, draw the state diagram.

29 Goal Given a circuit diagram for a synchronous sequential circuit, the goal is to figure out the FSM Figure out the present state variables, the next state variables, the state-assigned table, the state table, and finally the state diagram. In other words, the goal is to reverse engineer the circuit.

30 What does this circuit do?
[ Figure 6.75 from the textbook ]

31 Approach Find the flip-flops
Outputs of the flip-flops = present state variables Inputs of the flip-flops determine the next state variables Determine the logical expressions for the outputs Given this info it is easy to do the state-assigned table Next do the state table Finally, draw the state diagram.

32 Where are the inputs? [ Figure 6.75 from the textbook ]

33 Where are the inputs? There is only one input
[ Figure 6.75 from the textbook ]

34 Where are the outputs? [ Figure 6.75 from the textbook ]

35 Where are the outputs? There is only one output
[ Figure 6.75 from the textbook ]

36 Where kind of machine is this?
Moore or Mealy? output input

37 Moore: because the output does not depend directly on the primary input

38 Where are the memory elements?

39 Where are the memory elements?

40 Where are the outputs of the flip-flops?

41 Where are the outputs of the flip-flops?

42 These are the present-state variables

43 Where are the inputs of the flip-flops?

44 Where are the inputs of the flip-flops?

45 These are the next-state variables

46 What are their logic expressions?

47 What are their logic expressions?
Y1 = wy1 + wy2 Y2 = wy1 + wy2

48 Where is the output, again?

49 Where is the output, again?

50 What is its logic expression?

51 What is its logic expression?
z = y1y2

52 This is what we have to work with now
(we don’t need the circuit anymore) Y1 = wy1 + wy2 Y2 = wy1 + wy2 z = y1y2

53 Let’s derive the state-assigned table
Present Next State state w = 1 Output y 2 Y z Y1 = wy1 + wy2 Y2 = wy1 + wy2 z = y1y2

54 Let’s derive the state-assigned table
Present Next State state w = 1 Output y 2 Y z Y1 = wy1 + wy2 Y2 = wy1 + wy2 z = y1y2

55 Let’s derive the state-assigned table
Present Next State state w = 1 Output y 2 Y z Y1 = wy1 + wy2 Y2 = wy1 + wy2 z = y1y2

56 Let’s derive the state-assigned table
Present Next State state w = 1 Output y 2 Y z Y1 = wy1 + wy2 Y2 = wy1 + wy2 z = y1y2

57 Let’s derive the state-assigned table
Present Next State state w = 1 Output y 2 Y z Y1 = wy1 + wy2 Y2 = wy1 + wy2 z = y1y2

58 Let’s derive the state-assigned table
Present Next State state w = 1 Output y 2 Y z Y1 = wy1 + wy2 Y2 = wy1 + wy2 z = y1y2

59 Let’s derive the state-assigned table
Present Next State state w = 1 Output y 2 Y z 0 1 1 0 1 1 Y1 = wy1 + wy2 Y2 = wy1 + wy2 z = y1y2

60 We don’t need the logic expressions anymore
Present Next State state w = 1 Output y 2 Y z 0 1 1 0 1 1 Y1 = wy1 + wy2 Y2 = wy1 + wy2 z = y1y2

61 We don’t need the logic expressions anymore
Present Next State state w = 1 Output y 2 Y z 0 1 1 0 1 1

62 Let’s derive the state table
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z Present Next State state w = 1 Output y 2 Y z 0 1 1 0 1 1 State table State-assigned table

63 Let’s derive the state table
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z Present Next State state w = 1 Output y 2 Y z 0 1 1 0 1 1 State table State-assigned table

64 Let’s derive the state table
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D Present Next State state w = 1 Output y 2 Y z 0 1 1 0 1 1 State table State-assigned table

65 Let’s derive the state table
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D Present Next State state w = 1 Output y 2 Y z 0 1 1 0 1 1 State table State-assigned table

66 Let’s derive the state table
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D Present Next State state w = 1 Output y 2 Y z 0 1 1 0 1 1 State table State-assigned table

67 Let’s derive the state table
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D Present Next State state w = 1 Output y 2 Y z 0 1 1 0 1 1 State table State-assigned table

68 Let’s derive the state table
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D Present Next State state w = 1 Output y 2 Y z 0 1 1 0 1 1 State table State-assigned table

69 Let’s derive the state table
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D Present Next State state w = 1 Output y 2 Y z 0 1 1 0 1 1 State table State-assigned table

70 Let’s derive the state table
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D Present Next State state w = 1 Output y 2 Y z 0 1 1 0 1 1 State table State-assigned table The output is the same in both tables

71 The two tables for the initial circuit
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D Present Next State state w = 1 Output y 2 Y z 0 1 1 0 1 1 State table State-assigned table [ Figure 6.76 from the textbook ]

72 We don’t need the state-assigned table anymore
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D Present Next State state w = 1 Output y 2 Y z 0 1 1 0 1 1 State table State-assigned table [ Figure 6.76 from the textbook ]

73 We don’t need the state-assigned table anymore
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D State table

74 Let’s Draw the State Diagram
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D

75 Let’s Draw the State Diagram
B / 0 C / 0 D / 1 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D Because this is a Moore machine the output is tied to the state

76 Let’s Draw the State Diagram
B / 0 C / 0 D / 1 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D All transitions when the input w is equal to 1

77 Let’s Draw the State Diagram
B / 0 C / 0 D / 1 w=1 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D All transitions when the input w is equal to 1

78 Let’s Draw the State Diagram
B / 0 C / 0 D / 1 w=1 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D All transitions when the input w is equal to 0

79 Let’s Draw the State Diagram
B / 0 C / 0 D / 1 w=1 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D All transitions when the input w is equal to 0

80 We are done! w=0 w=1 w = 1 z Present Next state Output state A B C D
1 z A B C D State table State diagram

81 Almost done. What does this FSM do?
B / 0 C / 0 D / 1 w=1 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D State table State diagram

82 Almost done. What does this FSM do?
It sets the output z to 1 when three consecutive 1’s occur on the input w. In other words, it is a sequence detector for the input pattern 111. A / 0 w=0 B / 0 C / 0 D / 1 w=1 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D State table State diagram

83 Another Example (with JK flip-flops)

84 What does this circuit do?
J Q Clock Resetn y 2 1 w z K [ Figure 6.77 from the textbook ]

85 Approach Find the flip-flops
Outputs of the flip-flops = present state variables Inputs of the flip-flops determine the next state variables Determine the logical expressions for the outputs Given this info it is easy to do the state-assigned table Next do the state table Finally, draw the state diagram.

86 Where are the inputs and outputs?
J Q Clock Resetn y 2 1 w z K [ Figure 6.77 from the textbook ]

87 Where are the inputs and outputs?
J Q Clock Resetn y 2 1 w z K input output

88 What kind of machine is this?
J Q Clock Resetn y 2 1 w z K input output

89 Where are the flip-flops?
J Q Clock Resetn y 2 1 w z K

90 Where are the flip-flops?
J Q Clock Resetn y 2 1 w z K

91 Where are the outputs of the flip-flops?
J Q Clock Resetn y 2 1 w z K

92 Where are the outputs of the flip-flops?
J Q Clock Resetn y 2 1 w z K

93 These are the next-state variables
J Q Clock Resetn y 2 1 w z K

94 Where are the inputs of the flip-flops?
J Q Clock Resetn y 2 1 w z K

95 Where are the inputs of the flip-flops?
J Q Clock Resetn y 2 1 w z K

96 What are their logic expressions?
J Q Clock Resetn y 2 1 w z K

97 What are their logic expressions?
J1 = w J Q Clock Resetn y 2 1 w z K K1 = w + y2 J2 = w y1 K2 = w

98 What is the logic expression of the output?
J Q Clock Resetn y 2 1 w z K output

99 What is the logic expression of the output?
z = y1y2 J Q Clock Resetn y 2 1 w z K output

100 This is what we have to work with now
(we don’t need the circuit anymore) J1 = w K1 = w + y2 J2 = w y1 K2 = w z = y1y2

101 Let’s derive the excitation table
J1 = w Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 J K z 00 01 10 11 K1 = w + y2 J2 = w y1 K2 = w z = y1y2

102 Let’s derive the excitation table
J1 = w Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 J K z 00 01 10 11 K1 = w + y2 J2 = w y1 K2 = w z = y1y2

103 Let’s derive the excitation table
J1 = w Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 J K z 00 01 10 11 K1 = w + y2 J2 = w y1 K2 = w z = y1y2

104 Let’s derive the excitation table
J1 = w Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 J K z 00 01 10 11 K1 = w + y2 J2 = w y1 K2 = w z = y1y2

105 Let’s derive the excitation table
J1 = w Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 J K z 00 01 10 11 K1 = w + y2 J2 = w y1 K2 = w z = y1y2

106 Let’s derive the excitation table
J1 = w Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 J K z 00 01 10 11 K1 = w + y2 J2 = w y1 K2 = w z = y1y2

107 The excitation table J1 = w K1 = w + y2 J2 = w y1 K2 = w z = y1y2
Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 J K z 00 01 10 11 K1 = w + y2 J2 = w y1 K2 = w z = y1y2 [ Figure 6.78 from the textbook ]

108 We don’t need the logic expressions anymore
J1 = w Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 J K z 00 01 10 11 K1 = w + y2 J2 = w y1 K2 = w z = y1y2 [ Figure 6.78 from the textbook ]

109 We don’t need the logic expressions anymore
Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 J K z 00 01 10 11 [ Figure 6.78 from the textbook ]

110 Let’s derive the state table
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z State table Excitation table

111 Let’s derive the state table
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D State table Excitation table This step is easy (map 2-bit numbers to 4 letters)

112 Let’s derive the state table
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D State table Excitation table This step is easy too (the outputs are the same in both tables)

113 Let’s derive the state table
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D ? State table Excitation table How should we do this?

114 JK Flip-Flop Refresher
D = JQ + KQ [ Figure 5.16a from the textbook ]

115 JK Flip-Flop Refresher
Q K 1 t + ( ) (b) Truth table (c) Graphical symbol D Clock (a) Circuit [ Figure 5.16 from the textbook ]

116 Let’s derive the state table
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D ? State table Excitation table How should we do this?

117 Let’s derive the state table
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D

118 Let’s derive the state table
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D

119 Let’s derive the state table
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D A Note that A = 00

120 Let’s derive the state table
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D A ?

121 Let’s derive the state table
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D A

122 Let’s derive the state table
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D A

123 Let’s derive the state table
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D A

124 Let’s derive the state table
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D A = 1 = 0

125 Let’s derive the state table
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D A C Note that C = 10 =0

126 The two tables for the initial circuit
Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D State table Excitation table

127 The state diagram w=0 w=1 w = 1 z Present Next state Output state A B
C / 0 D / 1 w=1 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D State table State diagram

128 The state diagram Thus, this FSM is identical to the one
w=0 B / 0 C / 0 D / 1 w=1 Thus, this FSM is identical to the one in the previous example, even though the circuit uses JK flip-flops. Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D State table State diagram

129 (with mixed flip-flops)
Yet Another Example (with mixed flip-flops)

130 What does this circuit do?
[ Figure 6.79 from the textbook ]

131 Approach Find the flip-flops
Outputs of the flip-flops = present state variables Inputs of the flip-flops determine the next state variables Determine the logical expressions for the outputs Given this info it is easy to do the state-assigned table Next do the state table Finally, draw the state diagram.

132 What are the logic expressions?
[ Figure 6.79 from the textbook ]

133 What are the logic expressions?

134 What are the logic expressions?
D1 = w (y1 + y2) z = y1y2 T2 = w y2 + w y1y2

135 The Excitation Table D1 = w (y1 + y2) T2 = w y2 + w y1y2 z = y1y2
Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 T D z 01 10 D1 = w (y1 + y2) T2 = w y2 + w y1y2 z = y1y2 Excitation table

136 Let’s derive the state table
Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 T D z 01 10 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z

137 Let’s derive the state table
Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 T D z 01 10 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D This step is easy (map 2-bit numbers to 4 letters)

138 Let’s derive the state table
Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 T D z 01 10 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D 1 This step is easy too (the outputs are the same in both tables)

139 Let’s derive the state table
Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 T D z 01 10 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z ? A B C D 1 What should we do here?

140 Let’s derive the state table
Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 T D z 01 10 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z ? A B C D 1 What should we do here?

141 Let’s derive the state table
Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 T D z 01 10 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D 1

142 Let’s derive the state table
Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 T D z 01 10 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D 1

143 Let’s derive the state table
Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 T D z 01 10 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D 1

144 Let’s derive the state table
Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 T D z 01 10 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D 1

145 Let’s derive the state table
Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 T D z 01 10 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D 1

146 Let’s derive the state table
Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 T D z 01 10 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D 1

147 Let’s derive the state table
Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 T D z 01 10 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A A B C D 1 Note that A = 00

148 Let’s derive the state table
Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 T D z 01 10 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A A B C ? D 1 What should we do here?

149 Let’s derive the state table
Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 T D z 01 10 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A A B C D 1

150 Let’s derive the state table
Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 T D z 01 10 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A A B C D 1

151 Let’s derive the state table
Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 T D z 01 10 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A A B C D 1

152 Let’s derive the state table
Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 T D z 01 10 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A A B C D 1 1

153 Let’s derive the state table
Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 T D z 01 10 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A A B C D 1 1

154 Let’s derive the state table
Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 T D z 01 10 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A A B C D 1 1

155 Let’s derive the state table
Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 T D z 01 10 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A A B C D D 1 Note that D = 11 1

156 Let’s derive the state table
Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 T D z 01 10 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D

157 The two tables for the initial circuit
Present Flip-flop inputs state w = 1 Output y 2 T D z 01 10 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D State table Excitation table [ Figure 6.75b from the textbook ] [ Figure 6.80 from the textbook ]

158 The state diagram w=0 w=1 w = 1 z Present Next state Output state A B
C / 0 D / 1 w=1 Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D State table State diagram

159 The state diagram Thus, this FSM is identical to the ones
w=0 B / 0 C / 0 D / 1 w=1 Thus, this FSM is identical to the ones in the previous examples, even though the circuit uses JK flip-flops. Present Next state Output state w = 1 z A B C D State table State diagram


161 State Minimization

162 State Table for This Example
Next state Present Output state z w = w = 1 A B C 1 B D F 1 C F E D B G 1 E F C F E D G F G [ Figure 6.51 from the textbook ]

163 State Diagram (just the states) B C E A G D F

164 State Diagram (transitions when w=0) B C E A G D F

165 State Diagram (transitions when w=1) B C E A G D F

166 Outputs B C E z=1 z=0 z=0 A z=1 G D z=0 z=1 F z=0

167 (All states in the same partition)
B C E z=1 z=0 z=0 A z=1 G D z=0 z=1 F z=0

168 Partition #1 (ABCDEFG) B C E z=1 z=0 z=0 A z=1 G D z=0 z=1 F z=0

169 Partition #2 (based on outputs) B C E A G D F z=1 z=0 z=0 z=1 z=0 z=1

170 Partition #2 (ABD)(CEFG) B C E A G D F z=1 z=0 z=0 z=1 z=0 z=1 z=0 z=1

171 (Examine the 0-successors of ABD)
Partition #3.1 (Examine the 0-successors of ABD) B C E z=1 z=0 z=0 A z=1 G D z=0 z=1 F z=0

172 (Examine the 1-successors of ABD)
Partition #3.1 (Examine the 1-successors of ABD) B C E z=1 z=0 z=0 A z=1 G D z=0 z=1 F z=0

173 (Examine the 0-successors of CEFG)
Partition #3.2 (Examine the 0-successors of CEFG) B C E z=1 z=0 z=0 A z=1 G D z=0 z=1 F z=0

174 (Examine the 1-successors of CEFG)
Partition #3.2 (Examine the 1-successors of CEFG) B C E z=1 z=0 z=0 A z=1 G D z=0 z=1 F z=0

175 (Examine the 1-successors of CEFG)
Partition #3.2 (Examine the 1-successors of CEFG) B C E z=1 z=0 z=0 A z=1 G This needs to be in a new block D z=0 z=1 F z=0

176 Partition #3 (ABD)(CEG)(F) B C E z=1 z=0 z=0 A z=1 G D z=0 z=1 F z=0

177 Partition #3 (ABD)(CEG)(F) B C E z=1 z=0 z=0 A z=1 G D z=0 z=1 F z=0

178 (Examine the 0-successors of ABD)
Partition #4.1 (Examine the 0-successors of ABD) B C E z=1 z=0 z=0 A z=1 G D z=0 z=1 F z=0

179 (Examine the 1-successors of ABD)
Partition #4.1 (Examine the 1-successors of ABD) B C E z=1 z=0 z=0 A z=1 G D z=0 z=1 F z=0

180 (Examine the 1-successors of ABD)
Partition #4.1 (Examine the 1-successors of ABD) This needs to be in a new block B C E z=1 z=0 z=0 A z=1 G D z=0 z=1 F z=0

181 Partition #4 (AD)(B)(CEG)(F) B C E z=1 z=0 z=0 A z=1 G D z=0 z=1 F z=0

182 Partition #4 (AD)(B)(CEG)(F) B C E z=1 z=0 z=0 A z=1 G D z=0 z=1 F z=0

183 (Examine the 0-successors of AD)
Partition #5.1 (Examine the 0-successors of AD) B C E z=1 z=0 z=0 A z=1 G D z=0 z=1 F z=0

184 (Examine the 1-successors of AD)
Partition #5.1 (Examine the 1-successors of AD) B C E z=1 z=0 z=0 A z=1 G D z=0 z=1 F z=0

185 (Examine the 0-successors of B)
Partition #5.2 (Examine the 0-successors of B) B C E z=1 z=0 z=0 A z=1 G D z=0 z=1 F z=0

186 (Examine the 1-successors of B)
Partition #5.2 (Examine the 1-successors of B) B C E z=1 z=0 z=0 A z=1 G D z=0 z=1 F z=0

187 (Examine the 0-successors of CEG)
Partition #5.3 (Examine the 0-successors of CEG) B C E z=1 z=0 z=0 A z=1 G D z=0 z=1 F z=0

188 (Examine the 1-successors of CEG)
Partition #5.3 (Examine the 1-successors of CEG) B C E z=1 z=0 z=0 A z=1 G D z=0 z=1 F z=0

189 (Examine the 0-successors of F)
Partition #5.4 (Examine the 0-successors of F) B C E z=1 z=0 z=0 A z=1 G D z=0 z=1 F z=0

190 (Examine the 1-successors of F)
Partition #5.4 (Examine the 1-successors of F) B C E z=1 z=0 z=0 A z=1 G D z=0 z=1 F z=0

191 Partition #5 (AD)(B)(CEG)(F) B C E z=1 z=0 z=0 A z=1 G D z=0 z=1 F z=0

192 Partition #4 (AD)(B)(CEG)(F) B C E z=1 z=0 z=0 A z=1 G D z=0 z=1 F z=0

193 (This is the same as #4 so we can stop here)
Partition #5 (This is the same as #4 so we can stop here) B C E z=1 z=0 z=0 A z=1 G D z=0 z=1 F z=0

194 Minimized state table Nextstate Present Output state z w = w = 1 A B C
w = 1 A B C 1 B A F 1 C F C F C A [ Figure 6.52 from the textbook ]

195 Multiplexers

196 4-1 Multiplexer (Definition)
Has four inputs: w0 , w1, w2, w3 Also has two select lines: s1 and s0 If s1=0 and s0=0, then the output f is equal to w0 If s1=0 and s0=1, then the output f is equal to w1 If s1=1 and s0=0, then the output f is equal to w2 If s1=1 and s0=1, then the output f is equal to w3

197 Graphical Symbol and Truth Table
[ Figure 4.2a-b from the textbook ]

198 Using three 2-to-1 multiplexers to build one 4-to-1 multiplexer
w w 1 1 f 1 w 2 w 3 1 [ Figure 4.3 from the textbook ]

199 Implementation of a logic function
w w w f 1 2 3 w w f 1 2 1 w 1 3 1 w 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (a) Modified truth table w 2 w 1 w 3 f 1 (b) Circuit [ Figure 4.7 from the textbook ]

200 Implementation of 3-input XOR with a 4-to-1 Multiplexer
2 3 w 3 1 1 1 1 w 3 1 1 1 1 w 3 1 1 1 1 w 3 1 1 1 1 [ Figure 4.9a from the textbook ]

201 Implementation of 3-input XOR with a 4-to-1 Multiplexer
2 3 w 3 w 1 1 2 w 1 1 1 w 3 w 1 1 3 1 1 f w 3 1 1 1 1 w 3 1 1 1 1 (a) Truth table (b) Circuit [ Figure 4.9 from the textbook ]

202 Gated D Latch

203 Circuit Diagram for the Gated D Latch
[ Figure 5.7a from the textbook ]

204 Edge-Triggered D Flip-Flops

205 Master-Slave D Flip-Flop
Q Master Slave Clock m s Clk (a) Circuit [ Figure 5.9a from the textbook ]

206 Negative-Edge-Triggered Master-Slave D Flip-Flop
Q Master Slave Clock m s Clk Positive-Edge-Triggered Master-Slave D Flip-Flop D Q Master Slave Clock m s Clk

207 Circuit Diagram for the Gated D Latch
[ Figure 5.7a from the textbook ]

208 Constructing a D Flip-Flop

209 Constructing a D Flip-Flop

210 Constructing a D Flip-Flop (with one less NOT gate)

211 Constructing a D Flip-Flop (with one less NOT gate)

212 T Flip-Flop

213 T Flip-Flop [ Figure 5.15a from the textbook ]

214 Positive-edge-triggered
T Flip-Flop Positive-edge-triggered D Flip-Flop [ Figure 5.15a from the textbook ]

215 T Flip-Flop What is this? [ Figure 5.15a from the textbook ]

216 What is this? Q T D

217 What is this? Q T D + = ?

218 T Flip-Flop T D Q 1 Clock

219 What is this? + = ?

220 T Flip-Flop T D Q Clock

221 JK Flip-Flop

222 JK Flip-Flop D = JQ + KQ [ Figure 5.16a from the textbook ]

223 JK Flip-Flop ( ) (b) Truth table (c) Graphical symbol (a) Circuit J Q
1 t + ( ) (b) Truth table (c) Graphical symbol D Clock (a) Circuit [ Figure 5.16 from the textbook ]

224 JK Flip-Flop (How it Works)
A versatile circuit that can be used both as a SR flip-flop and as a T flip flop If J=0 and S =0 it stays in the same state Just like SR It can be set and reset J=S and K=R If J=K=1 then it behaves as a T flip-flop

225 Registers

226 Register (Definition)
An n-bit structure consisting of flip-flops

227 A simple shift register
D Q Clock In Out t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 = (b) A sample sequence (a) Circuit [ Figure 5.17 from the textbook ]

228 Parallel-access shift register
[ Figure 5.18 from the textbook ]

229 Counters

230 A three-bit up-counter
[ Figure 5.19 from the textbook ]

231 A three-bit up-counter
Q Clock 1 2 (a) Circuit Count 3 4 5 6 7 (b) Timing diagram [ Figure 5.19 from the textbook ]

232 A three-bit down-counter
[ Figure 5.20 from the textbook ]

233 A three-bit down-counter
Q Clock 1 2 (a) Circuit Count 7 6 5 4 3 (b) Timing diagram [ Figure 5.20 from the textbook ]

234 Synchronous Counters

235 A four-bit synchronous up-counter
[ Figure 5.21 from the textbook ]

236 Synchronous Counter with D Flip-Flops

237 A four-bit counter with D flip-flops
[ Figure 5.23 from the textbook ]

238 Counters with Parallel Load

239 A counter with parallel-load capability
[ Figure 5.24 from the textbook ]

240 A shift register with parallel load and enable control inputs
[ Figure 5.59 from the textbook ]

241 What does this circuit do?
[ Figure 5.25a from the textbook ]

242 Designing The Control Circuit

243 A Simple Processor [ Figure 7.9 from the textbook ]

244 The function register and decoders
Clock X w En y 1 2 3 2-to-4 decoder Function Register Y I FR in f Rx Ry Function [ Figure 7.11 from the textbook ]

245 A part of the control circuit for the processor
Reset Up-counter Clear w En y 1 2 3 T 2-to-4 decoder Q Clock [ Figure 7.10 from the textbook ]

246 Control signals asserted in each time step
(Load): I0 Extern Rin = X Done (Move): I1 Rin = X Rout = Y (Add): I2 Rout = X Ain Gin AddSub = 0 Gout (Sub): I3 AddSub = 1 [ Table 7.2 from the textbook ]

247 Operations performed by this processor
Function Performed Load Rx, Data Rx  Data Move Rx, Ry Rx  [Ry] Add Rx, Ry Rx  [Rx] + [Ry] Sub Rx, Ry Rx  [Rx] - [Ry] [ Table 7.1 from the textbook ]

248 Operations performed by this processor
Function Performed Load Rx, Data Rx  Data Move Rx, Ry Rx  [Ry] Add Rx, Ry Rx  [Rx] + [Ry] Sub Rx, Ry Rx  [Rx] - [Ry] Where Rx and Ry can be one of four possible options: R0, R1, R2, and R3 [ Table 7.1 from the textbook ]

249 Operations performed by this processor
Function Load 1 Move Add Sub Rx1 Rx0 Register R0 1 R1 R2 R3 Ry1 Ry0 Register R0 1 R1 R2 R3

250 Operations performed by this processor
 Move R3, R0 f1 f0 Function Load 1 Move Add Sub Rx1 Rx0 Register R0 1 R1 R2 R3 Ry1 Ry0 Register R0 1 R1 R2 R3

251 Operations performed by this processor
 Add R1, R3 f1 f0 Function Load 1 Move Add Sub Rx1 Rx0 Register R0 1 R1 R2 R3 Ry1 Ry0 Register R0 1 R1 R2 R3

252 Operations performed by this processor
 Sub R0, R2 f1 f0 Function Load 1 Move Add Sub Rx1 Rx0 Register R0 1 R1 R2 R3 Ry1 Ry0 Register R0 1 R1 R2 R3

253 Operations performed by this processor
x x  Load R2, Data f1 f0 Function Load 1 Move Add Sub Rx1 Rx0 Register R0 1 R1 R2 R3 Ry1 Ry0 Register R0 1 R1 R2 R3

254 Similar Encoding is Used by Modern Chips

255 Sample Assembly Language Program For This Processor
Move R3, R0 Add R1, R3 Sub R0, R2 Load R2, Data

256 Machine Language vs Assembly Language
Meaning / Interpretation 011100 100111 110010 001000 Move R3, R0 Add R1, R3 Sub R0, R2 Load R2, Data R3  [R0] R1  [R1] + [R3] R0  [R0] – [R2] R2  Data

257 Machine Language vs Assembly Language
Meaning / Interpretation 011100 100111 110010 001000 Move R3, R0 Add R1, R3 Sub R0, R2 Load R2, Data R3  [R0] R1  [R1] + [R3] R0  [R0] – [R2] R2  Data

258 Machine Language vs Assembly Language
Meaning / Interpretation 011100 100111 110010 001000 Move R3, R0 Add R1, R3 Sub R0, R2 Load R2, Data R3  [R0] R1  [R1] + [R3] R0  [R0] – [R2] R2  Data For short, each line can be expresses as a hexadecimal number

259 Machine Language vs Assembly Language
Meaning / Interpretation 1C 27 32 08 Move R3, R0 Add R1, R3 Sub R0, R2 Load R2, Data R3  [R0] R1  [R1] + [R3] R0  [R0] – [R2] R2  Data

260 Questions?


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