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Vocabulary Theme 5, Week 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Theme 5, Week 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Theme 5, Week 4

2 peacocks large birds with brilliant feathers

3 robots machines that can perform human tasks

4 thundercloud a dark storm cloud

5 galloped moved at a fast run

6 scowled looked angry or disapproved by tightening the eyebrows and forehead

7 showered sprayed or sprinkled

8 sculpture a work of art

9 colorful full of color, especially having many different colors

10 explorer a person who explores, or travels to an unknown place

11 published to have printed copies for the public

12 importance value

13 Mexico a Spanish-speaking country south of the United States

14 chiles hot peppers

15 peck strike with a bird’s beak

16 office a room where people do work for their jobs

17 garage a place to park vehicles

18 dedication for a special reason

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