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Jackie Eul Senior, Outdoor Studies and Tourism major

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1 Are Youth Experiences in Wild Nature Associated with Outdoor Physical Activity in Young Adults?
Jackie Eul Senior, Outdoor Studies and Tourism major Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Flynn Oody, Ph.D. 1-2 mins Who you are? Transferred from Chicago suburbs, dance ensemble, involved in Mountain Challenge. How did the project about –Why you’re interested in this project? For my senior study, I was interested in exploring our Fit.Green.Happy initiative on campus. FitGreenHappy is a concept that examines how fitness, sustainability and green lifestyles and happiness intersect for the benefit of human and environmental health. Specifically, I was interested in childhood experiences and outdoor physical activity. Dr. Flynn had data that she had collected on our current MC freshman about Fit.Green.Happy. So it was a good opportunity for us to work together on a project both of us were interested in to benefit the MC community. From that survey, there were questions specifically about childhood experiences and current outdoor PA. This relationship allowed for me to explore some of the concepts I was really interested in within a larger existing study. From this experience, I learned survey methodologies, data analysis, and data interpretation.

2 Purpose Is time spent in “wild nature” during childhood associated with outdoor physical activity as a young adult? Is time spent in “wild nature” during adolescence associated with outdoor physical activity as a young adult? Are there gender differences in the relationship between time spent in wild nature during childhood and adolescence and outdoor physical activity as a young adult? 1 min My senior thesis explored these 3 questions.

3 Figure 1: Relationship between Women’s Outdoor Physical Activity and Time in Wild Nature During Childhood 1 min We had approximately 220 students respond to the survey. And what we found was….

4 Implications It is important to understand the early outdoor experiences of our students to best develop programs and enhance curriculums. Certain sub-populations of students may need additional or tailored programming to increase physical activity and health outcomes. Mountain Challenge Events Mountain Challenge Girls Exercise is Medicine – On Campus Programs 1 min Who cares? Reflecting back on my senior study, I’m very grateful these experience because they has helped me to develop personally, academically, and professionally. I’ve presented these data at twice now. Once at the Southeast Association for Experiential Education conference in February using money awarded from Coyote Fund, created through generous donations from a Maryville College Alumnus and Mountain Challenge to support research and activities related to Fit. Green. Happy™. I also presented this study at our Undergraduate Research Symposium last month. What is next for you? You’re staying on through December with Mountain Challenge through an internship and corporate staff. Seeking opportunities to ….

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