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Ongoing Reporting Guiding Principle 8

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Presentation on theme: "Ongoing Reporting Guiding Principle 8"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ongoing Reporting Guiding Principle 8 Be sensitive to the self-esteem and general wellbeing of students and take an inclusive approach

2 In this workshop we will explore
How best to attend to the self-esteem and wellbeing of students while reporting honestly and constructively Ensuring that our reporting practices are inclusive and meaningful for all students Adapting reporting practice as appropriate for students with special educational needs

3 Guiding Principle 8 Reporting should provide honest and constructive feedback Developing reporting practice means showing how all students can learn and improve Yet, reporting must be sensitive to the self-esteem and general wellbeing of all students

4 Students with Special Educational Needs
Focus primarily on qualitative comments about progress, Provide clearly understood examples of positive achievements Clearly explain next steps to advance learning Ensure appropriate challenge so that high levels of expectation are maintained

5 Students with significant special educational needs
Particular attention is given to the impact that reporting using descriptors may have on the self-esteem and motivation of students with significant SEN Consider range of possible ways of reporting progress for such students, including reporting as part of Level 2 Learning Programme

6 Reviewing what we do Use the statements on page 40 of the booklet to reflect on your own practice and on the practice in your school generally. How well does our school achieve a balance between reporting honestly and being sensitive to the self-esteem and general wellbeing of our students? Record the outcomes of the discussions as action points.

7 Discussion Points Are our current reporting arrangements sensitive to the self-esteem and general wellbeing of our students? What strengths can we highlight and what areas can we aim to improve? Can we broaden the ways we report progress to the parents of students with special educational needs?

8 Which Guiding Principle is next for us?
You have now completed the discussion on this Guiding Principle and recorded the agreed changes or action points Decide which of the Guiding Principle/s you plan to discuss next.

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