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Presentation on theme: "Würzburg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Würzburg

2 Würzburg lies in the northern tip of the state of Bavaria.
It is located on the Main River and is surrounded by vineyards.

3 The Fortress Marienberg is a castle on a hill which overlooks the city as well as the surrounding hills.

4 The Residenz was the former residence of the
Würzburg prince bishops. It was built from 1720 to1744.



7 Würzburg housed U. S. military units
Würzburg housed U.S. military units. The buildings are being transferred to Würzburg University to be used for dorms and classrooms.

8 Würzburg has a cathedral…
Saint Killian Cathedral

9 churches, Marienkapelle

10 and chapels. Die Käppele

11 Würzburg has many old buildings
Würzburg has many old buildings. This building is in the Marktplatz, in the center of Würzburg.

12 Der Weihnachtsmarkt, or Christmas Market, is held every year in the Marktplatz. The Marienkapelle is in the background.

13 The University of Würzburg was founded in 1402
The University of Würzburg was founded in It is one of the oldest universities in Germany.

14 Dirk Nowitzki, who plays for the Dallas Mavericks, was born in Würzburg.

15 Some of Würzburg’s specialities are:
Sauerbraten Schweinebraten Bratwurst mit Sauerkraut Guten Appetit!

16 Auf Wiedersehen!

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