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7-3 the Mongol Empire Essential question: Examine why Kublai Khan did not want Chinese to fill important government jobs.

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Presentation on theme: "7-3 the Mongol Empire Essential question: Examine why Kublai Khan did not want Chinese to fill important government jobs."— Presentation transcript:

1 7-3 the Mongol Empire Essential question: Examine why Kublai Khan did not want Chinese to fill important government jobs.

2 Mongol invasion Genghis Khan = Universal Ruler
Mongols are nomads that lived in northwest China Temujin united the Mongol tribes defeating rival tribes Became the khan= ruler of all the Mongols Genghis Khan = Universal Ruler Invaded northern China, moved 1221 Mongols conquered all of Central Asia


4 Mongol Empire Ogadai (Genghis’ son) takes power
1227 Genghis Khan died Ogadai (Genghis’ son) takes power Captures the northern China, Persia and Russia 4 large khanates are created each ruled by a descendants of Kublai Khans 1279 Mongols defeat the Song Mongols control all of China


6 Mongol Government Mongols are the first foreign power to rule China
Kublai Khan was the first to ruler in 300 years to rule all of China Mongols are the first foreign power to rule China Kept many parts of the Chinese government Built the capital in Beijing in traditional Chinese style Named himself emperor Keeping Chinese traditions made it easy for Kublai to control

7 Mongol Government Kept Chinese politicians from gaining too much control Ended civil service exam Gave important government jobs to Mongols or trusted foreigners Rebuilt China after years of warfare Restored the Grand Canal to reach Beijing and Hangzhou Promoted trade with rest of the world Used Confucian scholars to educate the sons of Mongol nobility

8 Food for thought Why would Kublai give important government positions to Mongols or trusted foreigner and keep the Chinese politician in minor government jobs with little or no power?

9 Mongol ascendancy Mongol control
Welcomed merchants from foreign lands Kept trade routes open and safe Silk Road stretched from China to the Black Sea To Europe: silks, porcelain, tea To China: new foods, plants and minerals Mongols developed sea trade From Indian Ocean and South China Sea to Guangzhou Fushou


11 Marco Polo Merchant from Venice Italy
Traveled the Silk Road with his father and Uncle 1275 arrived in China stayed 17 years Became assistant to Kublai Khan Wrote a book about his adventures Increased European traded with China


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