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Unit 3 – Making Geographical Decisions

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1 Unit 3 – Making Geographical Decisions
Sustainability and London’s 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games

2 Remind me...... This exam is: - 1 hour long
- Is worth 50 marks (1 mark per min) - Is worth 25% of my GCSE - You need to read the front cover - Is a decision making paper, so I need to chose an option (1 to 6) and justify - Is split into 3 sections, ALL questions MUST be answered

3 Unit 3: Making Geographical Decisions
SECTION A Short questions and open ended questions about the pre-release material SECTION B Slightly longer questions which need detailed evidence, using the information from the booklet SECTION C Involves decision making, based on advantages and disadvantages of the options. What will the exam be like?

4 Heads and tails, match the pairs
Outline Judge and give an opinion Describe Give evidence to support your statement Explain State the facts Justify Say what something is like; identify trends Analyse Examine closely and ‘weigh up’ a particular situation, e.g. strengths and weakness, for and against Evaluate Give reasons why something happens Reflect: What made this activity difficult? Would it have been easier to do this on your own? What would have made it easier?

5 What’s the Order? You will have been given a laminated resource from your booklet You have 2 mins to arrange yourselves in the correct order from first to last as these resources appear in your booklets! Good Luck!!

Think, Pair, Share What is SUSTAINABILITY? What are the OPTIONS?

7 Would you rather? Would you rather develop a new Technology Park or 10,000 affordable homes? In pairs I want you to come up with 4 would you rather questions which relate to the issues we have been studying, which you will ask me...

8 Draw it! You have 5 minutes to draw a picture which sums up the how the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games will be sustainable...

9 Quiz Time!! Arrange yourself into teams of around 5. Collect paper, pens and a musical instrument of your choice! You will see a number of questions, you may confer with your team, when you know the answer buzz in with your musical instrument!

10 In your teams.....Quiz Time! Which organisation came up with the 10 aims for sustainable development? Greenpeace 2. Using details explain ‘The challenge’ of the Olympics 3. On paper draw a sketch map to show where the Olympic Park is located 4. Name the three ways in which Stratford is well connected Road links, Bus links and Underground/Rail links 5. Define the term multiple deprivation 6. On paper draw a sketch diagram to explain the differences between the population of Newham and the UK average

11 7. What percentage of Newham’s population is white compared to UK average? 40% compared to 91% 8. Where on the scale of deprivation is Newham? 9. Why are Newham’s incomes low? Due to employment status and job type 10. Education and qualifications: what % of Newham’s population have no qualifications compared to London and England 34% compared to 24% and 29% 11. Name three impacts on the local area of building the Olympic Park 12. What do the terms manufacturing and regeneration mean? 13. Name an example of secondary employment in the region

12 On which river is the Olympic Park based around?
River Lea 15. Which housing association co-operative has to relocate 500 residents to make way for the Athletes Village? Clays Lane 16. Name three impacts on residents of this relocation 17. Explain the problem of affordable housing and the ‘Olympic effect’ on house prices 18. In what ways are the Olympic buildings sustainable? 19. How will the Olympic Park benefit the environment? 20. Which option do you think is the best, and why?

13 Section A Short questions (2 – 6 marks) about the booklet
You will be expected to know the issues well and refer to figures in your answers For example: With the use of Figure 4, explain why Stratford was a good place to build the Olympic Park (3 marks)

14 Section B Slightly longer questions which need detailed evidence and full explanations (4 – 6 marks) Again, make sure you use the booklet to support your answers, but don’t just copy it! For example: Explain the impacts of creating the Olympic Park and provide examples (6 marks)

15 Section C Worth 15 marks, the examiner is going to get you to make a decision For example: Evaluate which economic option you think is best for the region Examine which option you think is most sustainable Which option do you think would most benefit the local community Remember there is no right or wrong option, but you MUST justify your choice and weigh up all the positive and negatives for other options with reference to figures from the resource booklet Make sure you are happy with the pros and cons for all options before you go into the exam!!

16 Section C Activity Take a look at the mark scheme for the Section C question you completed for the Scotland Fishing Mock Exam Read through carefully and highlight all the key aspects that you must consider and make sure you know how to get a level 3

17 What to remember for tomorrow...
Pens and Pencils Bring your booklet for reading on the bus!! But no need to get out in exam as you will get a new one ...and...Good Luck!

18 What should I do tonight?
Read through the resource booklet one last time starting with section c, then B and then A Write out an answer to the following 9 mark question: Which option do you think is the best to achieve sustainability for the local area, justify your answer Think social, economic and environmental sustainability Think about other places you can compare it to Think about the downfalls of other options Remember ‘legacy’ Use figure and information from the resource booklet ...and...Good Luck!

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