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Astronomy Over the Ages

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1 Astronomy Over the Ages



4 170,000 BC humans just started wearing clothes
4500 BC – The wheel was invented

5 3000 BC - Cunieform 2550 BC – Pyramids of Giza

6 1700 BC – Last mammoth 1300 BC – King Tut

7 1020 BC – Troy was destroyed 1250 BC – Hercules

8 800 BC – Homer 753 BC – Rome is founded

9 500 BC – Sanskrit

10 Earth is round A sphere is a perfect shape made by the Gods Pythagoras

11 500 BC – Historical ideologies come about
Buddha Confucius

12 Pre-Historic Time - Pre 500 BC
Motions of the Sun, Moon, & stars are observed Time and Directions

13 Classical Period – 500 BC to 1400 AD
Philosophers & Togas! Pagan Religions – Gods & Goddesses

14 Classical Period – 500 BC to 1400 AD
Roman republic developed (510 BC)! Julius Caesar & Cleopatra

15 So, astronomy was booming….
Earth is round – 300 BC Shadow on the moon during an eclipse As travelers continue, they see new stars over the horizon (Aristotle)

16 Classical Period – 500 BC to 1400 AD
Pagan religions are fading & Judaism & Christianity becoming popular

17 280 BC - Measured the dimensions of the Solar System (Aristarchus)
Relative sizes of the planets Mercury – Saturn Heliocentric Model Sun-centered

18 Size of the Earth – 195 BC

19 So, what explains this? Ptolemy – 300 AD
Geocentric model where planets traveled in epicycles around the Earth

20 Retrograde motion : some planets appear to move backwards then forwards again

21 Classical Period – 500 BC to 1400 AD
Jesus is crucified Middle Ages – 6oo AD

22 Classical Period – 500 BC to 1400 AD
Vikings – 800 AD Dark Ages

23 Classical Period – 500 BC to 1400 AD
Separation of Catholic & Orthodox Church – 1050 AD Henry the 1st King of England – 1100 AD

24 Classical Period – 500 BC to 1400 AD
Black Death – 1350 AD

25 Classical Period – 500 BC to 1400 AD
Measurements of the heavens Geometry and models to explain motions

26 But, this wasn’t quite right….
….Stay tuned to the Renaissance PEriod

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