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Fox Covert Primary School

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1 Fox Covert Primary School
HT Report Parent Council AGM 12th September 2018

2 School in context 11 classes this session School roll currently is 288
Fox Covert Early Years Centre School Management Team: Lorraine Budge, HT (Nursery & P4-7) Amy Kay, PT (P1 & P2) Joanne Doddie, PT (SFL & P3) Janie Jones, Head of Centre in Nursery Sarah Dickson, Business Manager

3 Nursery Staffing 21 members of staff 1 Head of Centre: Janie Jones
2 Senior Early Years Officers 2 Early Years Officer 1 Class Teacher 1 Admin Assistant 1 Domestic Assistant 8 Early Years Practitioners 5 PSAs

4 Successes and Achievements

5 Fantastic children Committed staff Supportive parents


7 Pupil Equity Fund £26, 400 last year PSA post – supporting targeted children Monday-Thursday Training provided by inspirational educationalists Hywel Roberts, David Cameron & Shirley Clarke (Teaching Staff) Cluster learning & teaching group – Mrs Norwood released Nurture training (All staff) Support for families with uniform, trips etc Play resources A carry forward of £ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0% 6% 1% 3% 25% 42% 20%

8 Learning & Teaching

9 Play based approach


11 Summative Assessment P1 Baseline Assessments
Identified pieces of writing Single Word spelling test End of unit Maths test Class Talks Presentations Weekly spelling tests Scottish National Standardised Assessments Reading Assessments Maths topic tests – pre and post Writing from reading tasks – Guided Reading

12 CFE Levels 2016-2017 2017-2018 P1 Numeracy 89.6% 98% P4 Numeracy 60.5%
84.6% P7 Numeracy 72% 81.8% P1 Reading 91.7% 98% P4 Reading 69.8% 84.6% P7 Reading 80% 90.9%

13 CFE Levels 2016-2017 2017-2018 P1 Writing 91.7% 98% P4 Reading 62.79%
76.9% P7 Reading 68% 87.9% P1 Writing 91.7% 98% P4 Reading 62.79% 76.9% P7 Reading 68% 87.9%




17 Moderation

18 Pupil conversations Planning dialogue sessions with teacher Learning visits Sampling pupil work Monitoring & Tracking discussions

19 Formative Assessment -Learning to Learn Tools
Thumb Tool Fist to Five Elbow Partner No Hands Up Thinking Time Magpie Minute Demonstrate how you would use the tools at the start of each lesson Selecting a few tools as you are sharing what is going to be learned, how it is going to be learned and how it is going to be reviewed

20 “One good conversation can shift the direction of change
Foxy Progress Files Learner – teacher conversations Learner – parent conversations Parent – teacher conversations “One good conversation can shift the direction of change forever.” Linda Lambert Proud of the work I do. It is great to look back and be able to see the improvements you have made. P6 pupil It is great to be able to show your parents what you have been working on in school. I like discussing my work with them. P5 pupil

21 It has been really helpful to read the parent comments and support with any concerns they have with pupil progress. Teacher The Foxy Progress File has really supported my learners in being able to discuss their strengths and next steps. Teacher “89% parents felt that the Foxy Progress File provided them with good information about their child’s progress.” “79% parents felt that the Foxy Progress File provided them with good information about their child’s next steps.” Would be more helpful if the Foxy Progress File is more detailed and the curriculum or what is to be achieved within the year is shared at the beginning of the year/term. We don’t know how to interpret the information contained in the Foxy progress Files.



24 Sharing Pupil Progress
Foxy Progress File sent home – Tuesday 18th September 2018 Parent Consultations – 2nd & 5th October 2018 Pupil Report – 30th November 2018 Foxy progress File sent home – 28th January 2019 Parent Consultations – 30th January & 1st February 2019 Foxy progress File sent home – 13th May 2019 Pupil Report – 31st May 2019 Parent Consultations – 4th & 7th June

25 How do we share information
with parents? School Website Foxy Progress File Meet the Teacher Weekly bulletin Class Assemblies School shows Parent Consultations Pupil reports Class newsletters Information Evenings Twitter Drop in sessions Class showcase events Open Days

26 Lesson Study Observing learners closely Seeking pupil views
P1 & P2 staff – enquiring whether structured play or free play had a greater effect on levels of engagement and wellbeing P3, P4 & P4/5 staff – maintaining focus, listening & managing distractions P5-P7 staff – algebra in Maths Observing learners closely Seeking pupil views Observing children in other classes Learning from children and colleagues Planning, evaluating and reflecting as a team Next steps identified –observing a colleague teaching a class

27 Masterclasses

28 Parent Feedback 99% of parents feel that we have strong values and promote these 99% of parents feel that we have a welcoming atmosphere and that staff are approachable and helpful 97% of parents feel that they are kept well informed about learning, relevant activities and the life of the school 96% of parents feel that school encourages them to become involved in school life

29 School Improvement Plan
What’s our plan?

30 Priority 1 To raise attainment in Maths and Literacy, with a particular focus on writing Staff training of Talk for Writing approach. (PEF) Talk for Writing approach implemented across the school from Nursery-P7. Further refine Writing benchmark assessment proformas. Cluster Literacy moderation event with a focus on writing. Introduction of Accelerated Maths program for P3-P7 pupils. (PEF) Children assessed using STAR tests on a termly basis. Results monitored through termly Monitoring & Tracking meetings with staff. Staff to use Accelerated Maths tracking systems to inform individual child target setting.(PEF) Create Maths rich environments in classrooms and around the school. Review pedagogical approaches in teaching Maths to improve pupil experiences and to raise attainment. Review and update Hot, Spicy and mild approach used in classrooms. Introduction of Sumdog Maths Lunchtime clubs. Trial and implement use of “Plus 1” and the “Power of 2” resources to support pupils with Dyscalculia. (PEF)

31 To reduce the attainment and achievement gap in our school
Priority 2 To reduce the attainment and achievement gap in our school Further improve universal and targeted support for our learners (PEF PSA post) Introduce the Leuven Scale into classrooms to support better engagement and participation in learning. Three practitioners will participate in the OSIRIS Outstanding Teaching Intervention program focusing on Challenge, Engagement and Feedback. (PEF) Further embed work carried out on Assessment is for Learning, Feedback and Higher Order questioning to ensure consistent practice across the school. Further develop play within P1-P3 to ensure that effective opportunities to learn are being maximised. (PEF) Further develop use of Lesson Study with all staff. (PEF) Further refine learning profile “Foxy Progress File” to provide a holistic record of children’s progress and skills development. Continue to provide opportunities for parents to be well informed regarding pupil progress and how this is tracked and assessed

32 To improve children’s wellbeing
Priority 3 To improve children’s wellbeing Professional reading undertaken of “When the adults change, everything changes” by Paul Dix. (PEF) Create new positive behaviour and anti-bulling policies seeking input from all stakeholders. Continue working towards gaining our Silver Award for Rights Respecting Schools. Create a whole school playground and dining hall charter. Embed Rights Respecting language in all classrooms -Include UNCRC articles within curriculum pathways and lessons. Developing staff’s knowledge and understanding of Nurture, Adverse childhood experiences and trauma informed practice. “Resilience” screening. (PEF) Continue to engage staff in inclusive practice with a focus on supporting ASD pupils. Mental Health First Aid training undertaken as part of cluster improvement plan. (PEF) Use experience and knowledge of trained staff to support children and adults in our school community. Mental Health focus week to raise awareness in school community. Allergies, asthma and epilepsy training undertaken.

33 To further enhance our curriculum
Priority 4 To further enhance our curriculum Develop a school skills progression pathway to include employability, creativity and thinking skills Engage with the Career Education Standard to reflect on how well we are meeting learner entitlements through STEM. Use digital learning toolkit to evaluate current provision and plan developments. Provide a variety of training using various aspects of ICT to upskill staff. Staff to use ICT to enhance learning and teaching within the classroom. Staff will explore new approaches/apps/Technology to use in the classroom to inspire and motivate learners. Purchase apps/coding equipment/software to support ICT developments and pupil skills (PEF)

34 Mental Health First Aid Training
"Piglet?" said Pooh. "Yes Pooh?" said Piglet. "Do you ever have days when everything feels... Not Very Okay At All? And Sometimes you don't even know why you feel Not Very Okay At All, you just know that you do.“ Piglet nodded his head sagely. "Oh yes," said Piglet. "I definitely have those days.""Really?" said Pooh in surprise. "I would never have thought that. You always seem so happy and like you have got everything in life all sorted out." "Ah," said Piglet. "Well here's the thing. There are two things that you need to know, Pooh. The first thing is that even those pigs, and bears, and people, who seem to have got everything in life all sorted out... they probably haven’t. Actually, everyone has days when they feel Not Very Okay At All. Some people are just better at hiding it than others. "And the second thing you need to know... is that it's okay to feel Not Very Okay At All. It can be quite normal, in fact. And all you need to do, on those days when you feel Not Very Okay At All, is come and find me, and tell me. Don't ever feel like you have to hide the fact you’re feeling Not Very Okay At All. Always come and tell me. Because I will always be there."

35 Osiris Outstanding Teaching Intervention

36 The Leuven Scale

37 The Leuven Scale

38 The Leuven Scale Level 5 I’m “Super Leuvie 5” – I want you to know
I’m always keen to give things a go I pay attention and am best at sitting well And get engaged with learning right up to the bell Level 3 I’m “Groovy Leuvie 3” and I try my best But sometimes I take a little rest I do try hard to keep on track But need reminders to focus me back Level 1 I’m “Groovy Leuvie 1” and I don’t try at all I’m often distracted or staring at the wall By not getting involved with my class It’s really hard to succeed and pass


40 “We really like the school and our son has progressed very well over the year. We
think the school is great and so does our son.” “My son has had a great 7 years at Fox Covert. Thank you.” “The school goes from strength to strength. It is clear that staff aim to continuously improve.” “I think the school is excellent – really warm, supportive and inclusive. I would like to thank all the staff for everything they do – we really appreciate it.” “We are delighted with the education our children are getting at Fox Covert. The huge variety of subjects, trips, outdoor activities and community projects is great. Getting the children involved in performances is a brilliant way to grow their confidence. The teachers, head teacher and support team are amazing, committed, cheery and kind. We feel like the children are in very good hands.”


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