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Financial innovation that makes

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1 Financial innovation that makes
investing in renewables easier and more attractive, Producing revenue for electricity utilities and distribution companies Enhancing consumers cash flow Renewable Energy Funding Initiative GreenCash 'minted' from Green Energy  

2 Video clip (c)BitMint-Utility

3 The Need * A growing number of public and private financial operators throughout the world are getting involved in order to redirect capital towards low-GHG [GreenHouse Gas] emission and resilient growth. Lack of knowledge on opportunities for climate-related investments is still a great drawback to potential interested investors limited contribution of CDM [Clean Development Mechanism] projects for consolidation of low GHG emission economy and sustainable development, especially in countries with the most burning needs. Green bonds or climate bonds have become an increasingly instrument to mobilize finance for climate purpose, but lacks globally harmonized structure, no transparency and limited access to small investors and individuals, as well as limited direct trading possibilities. quotes from G-20 Climate Finance Study Group (c)BitMint-Utility

4 The essence of the initiative a mechanism to draw money from the communities who will benefit from a clean environment in order to fund the facilities that would bring it about. issuing green digital claim checks that are redeemable 1:1 against the CNY. while the green digital claim checks are being traded within the community, the CNY itself is helping to fund and build the clean energy facilities. the outcome of the Green Funding project, which is based on a top notch security technology, is universal energy-backed-currency that acts as a store of value, backed by clean renewable energy, EE [Energy Efficiency] and other sustainable projects. (c)BitMint-Utility

5 More features of digital Green Bonds Based on Digital Claim Checks
Promoting effective financial instruments and approaches to enhance climate finance and stimulate climate friendly private investments Aggregate and structure debt financing in a way that enables even individuals, as well as small scale investments to participate Even a small scale project such as EE [Energy Efficiency] projects, or Wind, solar PV etc. could back the green digital bond. Use of money raised will be full transparent to investors. Investors will be able to easily and most securely trade directly (P2P) with the digital bonds or any part of it (easy split), or using it for online or off-line purchase in a coalition of “green shops”. Security based on quantum physics! Harmonized standardization enables global trading. (c)BitMint-Utility

6 The traditional Electric Utilities’ model:
Energy-as-a-Commodity model – while electricity is generated by the utility, provided by the grid, and the user pays its utility bill (post payment). Utilities prefers now: Service agreement - Due to more and more distributed generation sources, the larger centralized electricity utilities, are willing to change the relationship between the energy user and the energy provider to become an Energy-as-a-Service (EaaS) model. Electric Utilities are trying to make us commit to their services for a period of time (service agreement, like we pay cellular providers or the TV providers, a fix service fee, for much more than we really need/use).   Who will gain [if at all] From EaaS? New technology developments enables us (consumers of electricity) to be in control of what and how much we use/pay for, not by deciding in advance what services we want, but paying on the go – exactly per use, in real time.  Benefits to the users are obvious, but electric utilities can gain much (win-win): they will get paid in real time (not post payments, like now); will be able to compete with each other … Pay-as-you-go Green Digital Claim Check

7 GreenMoney use case for Germany
= Tradeable centralized energy backed green digital claim check [GreenMoney coins] backed by FIT/PPA = Digital claim check stream Suppliers for renewable energy production plants = electricity transfer = goods purchased offline or online 6 12 = fiat money transfer (e.g. €, $) Tradeable Green digital claim check against money invested in renewable energy production plants 7 Renewable energy production Merchants Offline Or Online 9 11 Consumers 8 10 13 b Central Mint Bank 5 2 3 4 DSO/ TSO 1 German government Feed-in remuneration DSO/TSO provides Green Digital Claim check as electricity is produced

8 Security note: We are NOT dealing with bitcoin or alike!! The present generation of crypto currencies mostly hinge on those complexity-generating algorithms -- which lay bare before unpublished mathematical insight. Insight that once gained will be kept secret for as long as possible, to milk that currency to the utmost. And once such compromise becomes public -- the currency as a whole vanishes into thin air because any bitcoin-like crypto currency represents no real useful human wealth. The rising role of randomness will have to take over the grand vision of digital money. We developed the mathematics to allow mints to increase the underlying randomness of their currency to meet any threat -- quantum or otherwise.

9 Life Elevated by the New Technology of Money
Innovation Driven Green Energy Platform Life Elevated by the New Technology of Money What is needed? - - Visionary dreamers….. Smart partners….smart money… Partnerships for market readiness [PMR] Thanks! T: (c)BitMint-Utility

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