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5 Themes of Geography Geographers work to organize space and information about the space around them. To do this they ask questions that fall under 5 main.

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Presentation on theme: "5 Themes of Geography Geographers work to organize space and information about the space around them. To do this they ask questions that fall under 5 main."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 Themes of Geography Geographers work to organize space and information about the space around them. To do this they ask questions that fall under 5 main themes.

2 LOCATION: Where is it located?
Absolute Location: Latitude, Longitude Relative Location: location with reference to something else (MSS is beside the 401)

3 PLACE: What is it like there?
All places have characteristics that distinguish them from other places on earth. Physical Characteristics temperature, landforms, height Human Characteristics culture, population, industrial location

4 HUMAN / ENVIRONMENT INTERACTIONS: What is the relationship between humans and their environment?
Geographers look at all the effects both positive and negative. Studying these effects helps people plan and manage the environment responsibly.

5 MOVEMENT: How and why are places connected with one another ?
People interact with other people, places, and things almost every day of their lives.

6 REGION: How and why is one area similar to another?
The unifying characteristics may be physical, human, or cultural. We do this to divide the world into smaller units. Geographers also study how a region changes over times.

7 What is GEOGRAPHY? Geography is the study of PEOPLE, the ENVIRONMENT and how they INTERACT.

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