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2 Nationalism Nationalism:
Belief that people should feel loyal to their nation. Desire for a people ruled by others to have their own nation. Tied closely to democratic ideas and the growth of educated peoples of the middle class.

3 Bonds that create a nation-state

4 Types of nationalist movements
Unification: Mergers of politically divided but culturally similar lands. Separation: Culturally distinct group resists being added to a state or tried to break away (13 colonies?) State-Building: Culturally distinct groups form into a new state by accepting a single culture.

5 What is the difference between Patriotism and Nationalism?
Patriotism – Love of one’s country that inspires one to serve for the benefit of its citizens Nationalism – Also love for one’s country, but with the belief that the country is superior to other countries.

6 LINKING THE PAST The Enlightenment philosophy that inspired revolutions in the U.S., France, and Latin America brought about lasting changes in political ideologies. They are: Conservative: Wealthy property owners: part of nobility Argued to protect traditional absolute monarchies of Europe Disapproved of the revolutions that occurred Liberal: Middle-class business leaders and merchants Supported republican democracy, or a government with an elected legislature who represented the people. Radical: Wanted democracy for all people Believed governments should practice liberty, equality, and brotherhood

This NATIONALISTIC IDEAL, fueled with the desire of people ruled by others to have their own nation, will lead to ….. REVOLUTIONS AROUND THE WORLD

POSITIVE NEGATIVE People within a nation overcoming their differences for the common good. Overthrow of colonial rule Democratic governments in nations throughout the world. Competition among nations spurring scientific & technological advances Forced assimilation of minority cultures into a nation’s majority rule. Ethnic cleansing Rise of extreme nationalistic movements Competition between nations leading to warfare

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