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Comp 401 Concluding Remarks

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1 Comp 401 Concluding Remarks
Instructor: Prasun Dewan

2 What did you Learn? Java? Some of you already knew Java

3 What did you Learn? Design patterns “Advanced” Java Features
observer, MVC, command objects, visitor, adapter, delegation “Advanced” Java Features Threads and thread synchronization Implementing Generics “Advanced” Programming Data Structures Tables, Trees “Advanced” Algorithms Animation, Scanning, Recursive Descent Parsing Preorder, PostOrder Tree Traversal (not so impressive) Large-Scale Object-Oriented Programming Large in terms of number of number of classes/types Defined by you (Programmer-defined) (Count them!)

4 What did you Learn? Topic Scanning Objects Overloading Properties
Interfaces Shape objects Composite objects Collections Inheritance MVC Toolkits Graphics (painting) views Assertions Animation Command Objects Threads Synchronized Methods Wait and Notify Abstract Classes Recursive Parsing and Grammars Trees Composite Design Pattern Number and List-based Recursion Tree-based Recursion Visitor Pattern Generics Adapter Exceptions (in case we cover them)

5 The design patterns taught in Comp 401
Quick Review The design patterns taught in Comp 401 Prasun Dewan, Teaching Inter-Object Design Patterns to Freshmen. Proceedings of ACM SIGCSE. 2005 PPT

6 What did You Learn?

7 Other learn how to use Alice
Use Methods Drag method names from the details window Methods area to first method Can Group Methods Do in order One after the other Or Do together At the same time You built an Alice-like environment that can be used by others to program Other learn how to use Alice Barbara Ericson Georgia Institute of Technology

8 Why Come to Class? Is it worthwhile to give a lecture if the recording of the lecture is available? If no, what should we use lecture time for? Quiz? More recitation like assignments? (will take time from projects) Help solve project problems?


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