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Presentation to Portfolio Committee

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1 Presentation to Portfolio Committee
3rd quarter 2017/18 Statistician-General (Risenga Maluleke)

2 Content 3rd Quarter organisational and financial performance
Achievements per strategic outcome Financial reality and impact Key priorities looking ahead 2

3 Organisational performance Q3: 2017/18

4 Financial performance Q3: 2017/18

5 Expand the statistical information base
Key achievements against strategic outcomes in Q2 Informing a nation Expand the statistical information base Published 66 statistical releases and reports on the economy and society Delays due to human resource constraints SDDS requirements met for key statistical releases including GDP, Price statistics, Labour statistics, Manufacturing statistics and Population estimates Commenced with 3-year project in partnership with the United Nations Statistics Division on ‘Natural Capital Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem services. Purpose: To mainstream valuate ecosystem services in data driven decisions and policy making 4

6 Key achievements against strategic outcomes in Q2
Innovate the statistics value chain for better efficiency Trusted statistics Deliver better, faster and cheaper From PAPI to CAPI CAPI transition debriefing session held after pilot tests were done in the 3rd quarter Testing of the new geospatial frame and the continuous population survey (CPS) will continue in 2018 Going ‘live’ is scheduled for April 2018 Increase use of statistics Use of statistics About visitor sessions to the website About downloads for the 3rd quarter Stats SA featured in more than 300 media articles/ broadcasts 5

7 Key achievements against strategic outcomes in Q2
Lead development and coordination of the national statistics system Partners in statistics Statistical production – national effort coordinated Stats SA hosted Eurostat, in partnership with the AUC on the Snapshot tool used for National Statistics System assessments. Attended by more than 30 participants in SADC Strengthen international collaboration and partnerships Hosted IUSSP in October 2017 in Cape Town: Brought together scientists, policy makers and practitioners from the global population community More than 100 countries and participants CRVS review in Africa and the way forward 4th Conference of African Ministers responsible for CRVS Heads of NSO’s on accelerating CRVS systems 6

8 Key achievements against strategic outcomes in Q2
A capable organisation Drive legislation reform Review of the Statistics Act (6 of 1999) Scenarios developed for institutional arrangements Currently in consultation with the Stats Council Invest in a sustainable statistical infrastructure National footprint decentralised Free State: visited primary schools on the role of statistics in society Khayelitsha Senior Secondary school: use of science and geography and importance of subjects such as mathematics KZN: Eradicate the fear of numbers (9 high schools participated and district municipality staff) 7

9 Key achievements against strategic outcomes in Q2
Statistical leadership Invest in statistical leadership and capability Future statistical leaders Encouraging honours students from University of the North West: career opportunities in statistics Partnering with Cape Peninsula University of Technology on Work Integrated Learning programme Mentoring learners in partnership with ESKOM (category Mathematics and Statistics) Building a united and diverse organisation Adopted theme: Collective leadership ‘Learn a language’ campaign 8

10 1 2 3 Financial reality The reality Cannot afford warm bodies
Critical posts gap increasing Benchmarking: Canada, R141 3 Cannot fund critical legally committed activities

11 Projected over expenditure
Goods & Services R 13 million Compensation of Employees R 90 million Benchmarking: Canada, Total R103 million 10

12 Key indicators at risks
GDP IES/LCS – Poverty indicators Consequence for Economic growth Consequence for Socio-economic planning & policy development Determining the CPI basket CPI Employment Key Consequence for Inflation targeting Consequence for Job creation Indicators at risk POPULATION estimates Fertility & Mortality Consequence for DoRA Consequence for Health policy & planning

13 Key priorities Maintain Basic statistics Modernise And Innovate
Restructure and Rationanalise Value Added Products Integrated Indicator Framework Legislative reform

14 Questions

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