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1 The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Ministry of Finance Customs Department المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية وزارة المالية دائرة الجمارك Challenges and Opportunities.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Ministry of Finance Customs Department المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية وزارة المالية دائرة الجمارك Challenges and Opportunities."— Presentation transcript:


2 1 The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Ministry of Finance Customs Department المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية وزارة المالية دائرة الجمارك Challenges and Opportunities of Customs Reform and Trade Facilitation: Jordans experience Ein El Sokhna – Egypt April 17-20, 2004 Prepared & presented by Tayseer Younis Deputy Director of Planning and Organization- Customs Department

3 2 Role of Customs in Trade Facilitation Trade facilitation – What is it? Simplification of international trade procedures. Change from revenue-collecting administrations. Maintain effective & efficient controls; ensure compliance; protect the society.

4 3 Establishment of Customs Department Established in 1922 Known as Directorate of Excise and General Statistics The first law was in 1926 The first customs tariff was issued in 1963 Forty customs Houses Clearance Customhouses, Border, Postal Customhouse

5 4 Our Vision To be among the pioneers of the world in providing a high quality customs services to all stakeholders

6 5 Our Mission Providing an excellent customs service that fulfills the comprehensive growth requirements and copes with the development at the national and international levels

7 6 Objectives of JCD Continue supplying the Treasury with revenues Contribute to the commercial and economic growth and promote investment Control the flow of travelers, goods and means of transportation

8 7 Combat smuggling and other illicit trade activities Protect the local society and environment Achieve discipline and accountability - promote integrity Objectives of JCD (continued)

9 8 Purposes of Customs Reform TO achieve the major objectives of customs effectively and efficiently Customs is exposed to corruption more than any other dept

10 9 Steps taken by JCD in the Reform Process Optimum use of information technology Customs legislation and policy Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures Human Resources development and training An integrity and anti-corruption program.

11 10 Optimum use of information technology Implementation of ASYCUDA V-SAT communication network X-ray inspection equipment Customs Departments Website Electronic system for receiving complaints & suggestions Steps of reform (Continued)

12 11 The intranet *Inquiries about transfer declarations *Inquiries about rate of customs duties *Data exchange CD containing all information on agreements Steps of reform(Continued)-IT

13 12 Customs legislation and policy Review the Customs Law Exempting and investment promotion Commitment to conventions Transparency – publication, brochures, website The Administrative Organization System No.(43) of 2000 Partnership council with the private sector Strategic planing Steps of reform(Continued)

14 13 Simplification and Harmonization of Procedures Coordination and cooperation with other departments Delegation of powers Computerized customs systems Value database Steps of reform(Continued)

15 14 Partnership council with the private sector Payment of duties – visa cards Accession to customs convention ISO 9001/2000 - TQM Steps of reform(Continued)- simplification

16 15 Steps of reform(Continued) Human resources development & training Recruitment strategy Improvement of staff of the Department Customs Training Centre Yearly training plan Comprehensive training programs – local, regional

17 16 Steps of reform(Continued) An integrity and anti-corruption program Participation of the JCD in many Conferences Clear and precise laws and regulations Computerized customs procedures Regulations and notifications newspapers, the official Gazette, Customs website

18 17 Integrity (Continued) Recruitment: Civil Service System exams, interviews, committees Cooperation with Combating Corruption Directorate Salaries, incentives, allowances Inspection Directorate, Internal Audit Directorate

19 18 Integrity (Continued) Accounting Bureau office in the Department Housing, health insurance Code of conduct and job ethics Cooperation with Combating corruption Directorate of the Intelligence Department.

20 19 Distribution of training programs for staff and the number of participants between (1996-2001) Establishing Customs Training Center and holding training programs which ensure the integrity and the opportunities of training and education for all staff.

21 20 Rapid technological developments Rapid technological developments Focus on integrity, discipline and accountability Focus on integrity, discipline and accountability Recruitment and training of new employees Recruitment and training of new employees Facilitation of legal trade activities Facilitation of legal trade activities What are the Challenges that face the JCD?

22 21 Go on combating smuggling Go on combating smuggling Fulfilling the requirements of stakeholders Fulfilling the requirements of stakeholders Providing a high quality customs service Providing a high quality customs service Maintain the critical thinking of the Department Maintain the critical thinking of the Department Challenges (Continued…)

23 22 External Factors and Threats; a future vision Jordans accession to the WTO agreements, and other agreements Persistent development of trade and industry Development of smuggling strategies Increasing terrorist threats at the world level Accelerating technological development

24 23 Our opportunities Royal support King Abdullah Award for the Excellent Governmental Performance and Transparency Regional representative of WCO Technical assistance

25 24 Address of Jordan Customs Jordan Customs Department P.O Box (90) Amman –Postal Code 11118 Tel: 962-6-4623186 Fax: 962-6-4647791 Web Site: E-Mail:

26 25 Thank You Prepared & presented by Tayseer Younis Deputy Director of Planning and Organization-Customs Department

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