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Sandi Zulic, Chair, D-LeaP Committee Council

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1 Sandi Zulic, Chair, D-LeaP Committee Council
The Danube Learning Partnership – D-LeaP Status, Challenges and Outlook Sandi Zulic, Chair, D-LeaP Committee Council

2 Danube Learning Partnership
D-LeaP is a regional initiative of national water utility associations and IAWD to act as integrated, sustainable and effective capacity development partnership of water utility associations in the SEE offer to participating utilities and sector professionals a comprehensive set of learning and capacity development programs

3 The Operating Model D-LeaP is a committee of IAWD

4 The Delivery Scheme

5 Capacity Building Philosophy
Programs are developed regionally by Technical Partners, which train the local trainers and delivered at national level by water utility associations and local partners (the Hubs) in national language Continuous Improvement Cycle

6 The Program Design Mix of face-to-face workshops and on the job training Blended Learning approach: face-to-face training is supported via e- learning tools offered via D-LeaP Academy

7 D-LeaP Website
D-LeaP Website in English, including Hub Portals in national language operated by the Hubs

8 D-LeaP Academy D-LeaP Academy is a Learning Management System offered as a service for Hubs by IAWD Available in 21 European languages (Danube region languages included) Allows administration of participants, providing training material, connecting participants and trainers etc.

9 Utility Benchmarking Program
Foundation Program to support utility companies in identifying areas, where performance improvement is needed utilities collect information about themselves and compare the results to several performance indicators from other companies Several cycles successfully delivered.

10 The Programs offered

11 Progress Towards Delivery

12 Progress Towards Delivery
Those circles with the white frame are still under preparation

13 D-LeaP Facts and Figures

14 D-LeaP Threats Willignes to pay for CD programs, products and measures on market in SEE due to the lack of responsibility of management at LGUs and PUCs Lack of supportive regulatory framwork for CD delivery in SEE Other regional capacity development initiatives Reorganization of the IAWD Lack of the understanding of role and responsibility of IAWD as D-LeaP secretariat by other actors Less and less grants and subsidies for CD programs in SEE

15 D-LeaP Strengths Capacity Development Program Regional Delivery Scheme
Curriculum + Extending Training Trainers (Regional / National) Provision of equipment (50%) On-line Support by Technical Partners and Trainers Draft Financial Model -> (System Solution for sustainability) D-LeaP Academy as Learning Management System In addition, IAWD supports national water utility associations with grants for development of BP and implementation of activities from BP

16 D-LeaP Weaknesses Insufficient selling of the capacity development products! Lack of: Understanding of the needs or importance of the CD programme Experience in delivering CD programs Capacities and skills for promotion and selling Support to APUCs for promotion and sales Proper planning and implementation of plans Hubs capacities (human resources, organizational and institutional) Perceived as a expensive CD program for water utilities Willingness to deliver CD programs and commitment of some APUCs No try first time to deliver! – No attempt to start!

17 D-LeaP Opportunities (1)
Cooperation with RCDN project -> Focal Points (promotion + generic ToT) Development of business plan for the next 5 years Strengthening project management capacities of D-LeaP Technical Secretariat Capacitation of the National Water Utility Associations (NWUA): Pear to Peer Mentoring, Coaching, Backstopping from strong NWUA

18 D-LeaP Opportunities (2)
Develop and offer new regional capacity development projects (e.g. with EU), Develop new CD products based on needs and demands from the market? Intensify promotional and selling activities: Through National Water Utility Associations Through Danube Water Conference Cooperation with NALAS and National Associations of LGAs

19 Outlook Cooperation: Curriculum:
Strengthen cooperation among national water utility associations, Intensify cooperation among national water utility associations from SEE and Western Europe Ensure close cooperation and coordination with RCDN project Curriculum: Waste water collection and treatment

20 Outlook Sustainability
Continue to support capacity development of national water utility associations Focus more on D-LeaP business activities, as well as on promotion and selling Apply result-based approach (rewards or incentives for successful cases) Involve additional national water utility associations from the Eastern Europe countries (Ukraine, Moldova), including Croatia

21 Thank you Sandi Zulic
Chair of D-LeaP Committee Council Aquasan Network in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosanskih banova 23 77000 Bihac Bosnia and Herzegovina

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