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What stereotypes (general beliefs) do you have about teachers?

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2 What stereotypes (general beliefs) do you have about teachers?
Social Relations “There are still barriers and biases out there, often unconscious.” – Hillary Rodham Clinton, 2008 Stereotype – “SET TYPE” a general (sometimes accurate, but often overgeneralized) belief about a group of people What stereotypes (general beliefs) do you have about teachers?

3 What prejudices (negative attitudes) do you have against teachers?
Social Relations Prejudice – “PRE JUDGE” an unjustifiable (and usually negative) attitude toward a group and its members based on stereotypes you have about them What prejudices (negative attitudes) do you have against teachers?

4 Implicit vs. Explicit Prejudice
Explicit prejudice is conscious and overt Implicit prejudice is a belief that you don’t even know you have Overt prejudice has waned over time, but subtle prejudice lingers. Do you carry implicit racial prejudice? Through children: dolls and pictures Overt Subtle

5 Social Relations Americans today express much less racial and gender prejudice

6 How do students discriminate against teachers?
Social Relations Discrimination – “ACTION” Unjustifiable negative BEHAVIOR toward a group and its members How do students discriminate against teachers?

7 Examples of Prejudice and Discrimination
In one study, most white participants perceived a white man shoving a black man as “horsing around,” but when they saw a black man shoving a white man, they interpreted it as “violent” In a New Jersey turnpike study, blacks were 13.5% of car occupants, 15% of speeders, and 35% of the drivers pulled over A black New Jersey dentist who drove a gold BMW from home to office was stopped more than 100 times within a year People tend to perceive fathers as more intelligent than mothers Female circumcision in some African countries  119 boys for every 100 girls in China

8 In Los Angeles, 1115 landlords received identically worded s from a would-be tenant (actually a researcher) expressing interest in vacant apartments advertised online. Encouraging replies came back to 56% of notes signed “Tyrell Jackson,” to 66% signed “Said Al-Rahman,” and to 89% of those signed “Patrick McDougall.”

9 Social Relations Ingroup Bias tendency to favor one’s own group

10 Social Relations Scapegoat Theory
theory that prejudice provides an outlet for anger by providing someone to blame People lashing out at innocent Arab-Americans following 9/11 Children with high IQ scores at age 10 typically express low prejudice at age 30

11 Social Relations Just-World Phenomenon
the belief that people get what they deserve and deserve what they get

12 “What terrible criminals these prisoners must have been to receive such treatment.” – remark by a German civilian when visiting the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp shortly after World War II “She should have known better.” – common remark made about women wearing revealing clothing who are later raped

13 Social Relations Social Inequalities – People with money, power, and prestige tend to be prejudiced against those without “Blame the Victim” dynamic – rape example Slave owners perceived slaves as being innately lazy, ignorant, and irresponsible, thereby having the traits that “justified” enslaving them

14 Social Relations Other-Race Effect
The tendency to recall faces of one’s own race more accurately than faces of other races

15 Social Relations Vivid cases (9/11 terrorists) feed stereotypes
Availability Heuristic

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