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Legal Duties for Restoration of Wetlands & Waterways

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Presentation on theme: "Legal Duties for Restoration of Wetlands & Waterways"— Presentation transcript:

1 Legal Duties for Restoration of Wetlands & Waterways
TAJ PALACE, NEW DELHI | 12 – 14 SEPTEMBER 2016 Legal Duties for Restoration of Wetlands & Waterways

2 Overview of presentation
TAJ PALACE, NEW DELHI | 12 – 14 SEPTEMBER 2016 Overview of presentation Argument Analysis of legal framework The Ramsar Convention Duty to restore by EWAs? Duty to monitor and report? Legal effect of duties? Conclusion & proposals 2

3 Argument Law is unlikely to offer a perfect solution
TAJ PALACE, NEW DELHI | 12 – 14 SEPTEMBER 2016 Argument Law is unlikely to offer a perfect solution Law stands or falls with its administration But law can: Require that EWAs are made Afford same degree of security as allocations for human consumptive use Compared to policy or principles, potentially ensure that EWAs are made 3

4 Analysis of legal framework
TAJ PALACE, NEW DELHI | 12 – 14 SEPTEMBER 2016 Analysis of legal framework Duty to restore wetlands and waterways by EWAs? If so, duty to monitor and report on implementation? Are they binding, enforceable and justiciable in an international forum? 4

The Ramsar Convention Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (1975) Protection of habitat approach 169 Contracting Parties 5

6 Duty to restore by EWAs? Yes Article 3.1: promote conservation of
TAJ PALACE, NEW DELHI | 12 – 14 SEPTEMBER 2016 Duty to restore by EWAs? Yes Article 3.1: promote conservation of listed wetlands and as far as possible wise use of all wetlands = maintain ecological character through implementation of ecosystem approaches within sustainable development context To maintain ecological character ‘it is necessary to allocate water as closely as possible to the natural regime’ Climate change 6

7 Duty to monitor and report?
TAJ PALACE, NEW DELHI | 12 – 14 SEPTEMBER 2016 Duty to monitor and report? Yes Article 3.2: ‘shall arrange to be informed’ if ecological character of listed wetland ‘has changed, is changing or is likely to change’ due to human interference On implementation of duty to restore, but largely derived by interpretation 7

8 Legal effect of this duty?
TAJ PALACE, NEW DELHI | 12 – 14 SEPTEMBER 2016 Legal effect of this duty? Is it binding? Yes But subject to exceptions physically ‘possible’ and ‘urgent national interests’ Is it enforceable? Yes But hampered by ambiguity Is it justiciable? Yes Despite no dispute settlement provision through the International Court of Justice, but only by states 8

9 Conclusion & proposals
TAJ PALACE, NEW DELHI | 12 – 14 SEPTEMBER 2016 Conclusion & proposals Unambiguous duty to restore degraded wetlands, including by providing adequate environmental water flow, Express objective test for exceptions of physically ‘possible’ and ‘urgent national interest’, Clear monitoring and reporting duties, and Dispute settlement provision that allows state parties and other entities to resort to international adjudication and/or arbitration 9

10 All photos kindly provided by
TAJ PALACE, NEW DELHI | 12 – 14 SEPTEMBER 2016 All photos kindly provided by David Rennie

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