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Somerset Physical Activity Group (SPAG) Irina Holland

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Presentation on theme: "Somerset Physical Activity Group (SPAG) Irina Holland"— Presentation transcript:

1 Somerset Physical Activity Group (SPAG) Irina Holland

2 Aims of presentation Overview of SPAG Strategic drivers for the work Flavour of some of the work Direction of travel...

3 Aims of SPAG To increase levels of physical activity in Somerset To contribute to the targets identified in the NSFs and other national documents To contribute to local targets to increase activity CHD NSF (Standards 1,3,4 & 12) Older Peoples NSF (Standards 5,6 & 8) Mental Health NSF (Standards 1 & 2) Cancer Plan Diabetes NSF (Standard 1) Local Area Agreement

4 Somerset Physical Activity Group – who are we? Somerset Primary Care Trust Active Lifestyles Officers in each District Council Adult Learning and Leisure Somerset County Council Smarter Choices Initiative (transport) Take Art Somerset County Council Healthy Workplace Manager Sport England County Sports Partnership (Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership)

5 Current levels of activity... Dorset and Somerset Lifestyle Survey Sport England Active People Survey

6 Local Area Agreement in Somerset Increase the proportion of people achieving 3 or more sessions of moderate activity per week Decrease the proportion of people doing less than 1 session of moderate activity per week


8 Initiatives Health Walks Physical Activity Referral Scheme Promotion of Active Transport Active Recreation


10 Future direction of travel... Active recreation New guidance from NICE, Physical Activity and the Environment. Increased work with planning and transport

11 Key Messages Partnership working Communication Pooling limited resources Think widely

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