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Presentation on theme: "AFAUX/CAP SPECTRUM OPERATIONS"— Presentation transcript:

Robert A Hergenrader ACC/A6OF DSN

2 Briefing Intent Provide awareness of spectrum management that is related to Civil Air Patrol operations & Contingencies. Provide essential knowledge and guidance to the CAP in order to understand spectrum responsibilities. Apply manuals and reference materials, equipment certification. Format a complete and accurate 5-Year Review, New proposal using The Standard Frequency Action Format (SFAF) or ACC frequency request form. Keep it simple and stay out of the weeds make that a side bar

3 Overview Spectrum Management (What & Why?)
Spectrum Supportability Process Frequency Authorization Process Software and References


5 What is Spectrum Management?
DoD Dictionary of Military and Associated terms , June 2017 “Planning, Coordinating, and Managing Joint use of the Electromagnetic Spectrum through OPERATIONAL, ENGINEERING, and ADMINISTRATIVE procedures” (Joint Pub) JP 6-01 Frequency process from start to finish and why we have to control the spectrum world.

6 Why Spectrum Management?
To effectively and efficiently manage DoD’s use of the spectrum during the frequency allocation, allotment and assignment processes An assignment is the AUTHORITY to use a radio frequency (aka license, RFA) Provides direct operational support to electromagnetic battlespace planning, de-confliction and spectrum interference resolution Spectrum 101 reason for managing the frequency spectrum

7 Spectrum Hierarchy Top to bottom spectrum flow chart As of : 9/6/17

8 The Radio Spectrum

9 Band Reallocation M1755-M1850


11 Spectrum Supportability
“Spectrum Supportability” is defined as the assessment as to whether the electromagnetic spectrum necessary to support equipment is available for use by the system.  The assessment requires, at a minimum, receipt of equipment spectrum certification, reasonable assurance of the availability of sufficient frequencies for operation from host nations, and a consideration of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). Guidance for these requirements is found in DoDI

12 WHY?? To provide warfighters with spectrum-dependent equipment able to operate in its intended environment, Without spectrum related limitations (power, bandwidth, location, etc.) Without suffering (or causing) harmful interference or disastrous interactions with the electromagnetic environment; and With systems used by our Allies and Coalition Partners The certification process provides an assessment of spectrum supportability for RF equipment/systems during their expected life cycle. It also provides the operating parameters for requesting frequency authorizations. Spectrum certification requires: - Obtaining favorable Host nation supportability comments which includes the US Determining EMC with existing systems, compliance w/MIL STDs and allocation tables -- Allocation is important--for example a system approved for mobile ground use cannot be used in an aircraft - Reasonable assure of obtaining an operational frequency assignment

13 Spectrum Supportability Process
CONTRACTOR (Generate DD Form 1494) PROGRAM OFFICE (Submit DD Form 1494 and Releasable DD Form 1494 Data for HN Coordination) USER UNIT (Initiates Frequency Assignment Request) MCEB ESG PWG (Comment) (J/F 12) MILDEP SMO (Review and Submit) JSC CCEB MEMBER NATIONS (Comment) JSC (Distribute Releasable Foreign Coordination Papers) NTIA/SPS (Comment) COCOM/HN (Comment) MILDEP SMO (Consolidates Comments, Drafts Guidance or Notes-to-Holders) ACRONYMS CCEB - Combined Communications- Electronics Board COCOM - Combatant Commands ESG PWG - Equipment Spectrum Guidance Permanent Working Group HN - Host Nation IRAC - Interdepartmental Radio Advisory Committee JFP - Joint Frequency Panel JSC - Joint Spectrum Center NTIA - National Telecommunications and Information Administration SCS - Spectrum Certification System SPS - Spectrum Planning Subcommittee MILDEP SMO - Military Department Spectrum Management Office (e.g., US Army Spectrum Management Office, Navy & Marine Corps Spectrum Center, AF Frequency Mgt Agency) I’ve included a flowchart that maps the spectrum certification process for your reference. IRAC (Comment) MCEB ESG PWG (Approves and Signs Guidance and Notes-to-Holders) JSC (Distribute MCEB Guidance and Notes-to-Holders) MILDEP SMO (Appropriate Action) As Required

14 Spectrum Certification Hierarchy
Gov’t Sponsor (Requestor) Program Office / ISM MAJCOM Spectrum Office Air Force Spectrum Management Office NTIA Spectrum Planning Subcommittee (SPS) MC4EB Equipment Spectrum Guidance Permanent Working Group (ESG PWG)

15 Know The Difference

16 4 Stages Of Certification
Stage 1 – Conceptual Initial planning, guidance on feasibility of obtaining spectrum support Stage 2 – Experimental Preliminary design completed Stage 3 – Developmental Frequency band determined, hardware testing, equipment configurations Stage 4 – Operational Identify operating constraints or restrictions to ensure compatibility All new equipment must have a DoD sponsor before it can be pushed to the certification board. Purchased equipment can only be bought when certification is operational stage 4 in mass. Conceptual, Experimental, Developmental stages 1-3 equipment can be bought for testing.

17 DD Form 1494 The DD Form 1494, a document that captures an exhaustive variety of technical data, serves two functions: (1) Provides a uniform method to capture the basic spectrum-dependent and operational parameters of military spectrum-dependent systems in a format that can be easily provided to US National and host nation spectrum authorities; and (2) Standardizes the format of the technical data required to be inserted into DoD and national databases to generate frequency assignment approvals enabling initial EMC analyses, and checks for compliance to military, US national, and host nation spectrum standards.  System developers will complete and obtain approval for a DD Form 1494 during each phase of the acquisition process for each newly developed spectrum-dependent system. The spectrum certification process begins with the DD Form 1494 and SCS There are 4 stages, a 1494 for a system can be submitted at any stage--Stage must contain measured data 1494 normally submitted by Program Office, Lead Command or Unit Purchasing equipment--gov’t sponsor must submit Information redundant on DOD and NTIA General Information and Foreign Coordination pages for specific agencies--entire package not sent to each agency--based on mission some info may be withheld MCEB guidance page is created upon approval of contains consolidated comments from NTIA and MCEB

18 DD Form 1494 Manufacturer Provides Spectrum Data/Measurements
Gov’t Sponsor Required to Submit Pages DoD General Information - (Requesting Unit) Transmitter - (Manufacturer) Receiver - (Manufacturer) Antenna - (Manufacturer) NTIA General Information - (Requesting Unit) Foreign Coordination - (Requesting Unit) Line Diagram – (Requesting Unit) MCEB Guidance - (NTIA - MCEB ESG - AFSMO) The spectrum certification process begins with the DD Form 1494 and SCS There are 4 stages, a 1494 for a system can be submitted at any stage--Stage must contain measured data 1494 normally submitted by Program Office, Lead Command or Unit Purchasing equipment--gov’t sponsor must submit Information redundant on DOD and NTIA General Information and Foreign Coordination pages for specific agencies--entire package not sent to each agency--based on mission some info may be withheld MCEB guidance page is created upon approval of contains consolidated comments from NTIA and MCEB

19 SCS (Spectrum Certification System)
Software used to build spectrum certification requests Repository for approved spectrum dependent systems, commonly referred to as DD Form 1494s or J/F 12s

20 MC4EB Stage 4 (SPS) Details of how/where you can use the certification


22 Why? Ensures RF dependent systems:
Operate in accordance with spectrum certification/host nation guidance Operate in intended environment: without causing interference and protect the user Are interoperable with other systems

23 Voting Board Members IRAC Legislative Branch Executive Branch
U.S. Postal Service Transportation State Energy Agriculture Navy FCC (Liaison) DHS Air Force FAA Coast Guard Treasury Justice Interior NASA NSF Chairman (NTIA) Army IRAC VA Commerce BBG Legislative Branch Executive Branch National Telecommunications and Info Administration (Federal Govt Spectrum) Interdepartmental Radio Advisory Committee (22 Federal Agencies) Federal Communications Commission (Public & Non-Fed Govt Spectrum)

24 Frequency Authorization Hierarchy
Requesting Unit Installation Spectrum Manager MAJCOM Spectrum Office (ACC) Air Force Spectrum Management Office NTIA Frequency Assignment Subcommittee (FAS)

90-days – For common radio systems 120-days – For US&P and Exercises (Depending on the equipment and frequency requested) Lead time for requesting a frequency and reasons for the time table

26 Coordinating Agencies
Installation Spectrum Managers DOD Area Frequency Coordinators Federal Aviation Administration Federal Communications Commission

27 Minimum Required Information
Frequency Band / Number of Frequencies Required Description of Use Dates Required Transmit Location Name/Geographic Coordinates Radius of Operations Equipment Nomenclature Transmit Power Output Antenna Type Antenna Site Elevation Antenna Feed Point Height Flight Level Request POC Minimum requirements to request a frequency assignment

28 Radio Frequency Authorization CAP HF NET

29 Radio Frequency Authorization CAP VHF NET

30 Radio Frequency Authorization CAP Glider Ops


32 SXXI SPECTRUM XXI: A client/server, Window-based software system that provides frequency managers with a single information system to address spectrum management automation requirements. SPECTRUM XXI supports operational planning and management of the radio frequency spectrum with an emphasis on assigning compatible frequencies and performing spectrum engineering tasks. Two major key terms that will be used during the brief

33 NTIA Manual / MCEB Pub 7 Understand the role of the NTIA Manual and the purpose and the use of MCEB Pub 7 The NTIA Manual governs the use of the radio spectrum applying to agencies and establishments of the federal government MCEB Pub 7 establishes the Frequency Resource Record System (FRRS) Standard Frequency Action Format (SFAF)


35 HF ALE NETS REGIONS HF ALE NET ASSIGNMENTS 544 Regional assignments, Equipment MICOM III & CRT-200 40 National assignments with 16 frequencies not committed to a location CAP regions are each assigned frequencies in multiple bands which are used for HF/ALE and for conventional voice communications. Region HF suites are designed to contain a sufficient number of channels to provide coverage across the region. R1 NER CT,ME,MA, NH,NJ,NY,PA,RI,VT = 72 records assigned R2 MER DE,MD,NC,DC,SC,WV,VA = 54 records assigned R3 GLR IL,IN,KY,MI,OH,WI = 54 records assigned R4 SER AL,FL,GA,MS,PR,TN = 60 records assigned R5 NCR IA,KS,MN,MO,NE,ND,SD = 86 records assigned R6 SWR AZ,AR,LA,NM,OK,TX = 60 records assigned R7 RMR CO,ID,MT,UT,WY = 50 records assigned R8 PWR AK,CA,HI,NV,OR,WA = 60 records assigned R9 = National Traffic records 14 assigned CAP has frequency assignments in multiple bands which are used for HF/ALE and for conventional voice communications. National-level channels include the National Reserve Channels Net 9 R10 = National Data records 7 assigned Cap uses these as their national data frequencies R11 = National reserve records 4 assigned The channels NRA, NRB, NRC and NRD are national voice-only HF channels and are reserved for NTN nets and other conventional nets spanning more than a single region 15 Unknown assignments are located at Maxwell verifying with CAP what they are for. HF nets throughout the USA 8 regions plus National Data, Voice & Reserve nets

VHF Frequency Utilization. CAP radio operators may make maximum use of authorized channels on a first-come, non-interference basis. Nets may be scheduled on appropriatefrequenciesIAWparagraph7.4.Regardless of the circumstances, all use of CAP channels must be for legitimate business of Civil Air Patrol. VHF-FM Assignments. CAP’s VHF-FM frequency assignments are on a nationwide (United States & possessions) basis, with some exceptions in border zones. In order to facilitate inter-and intra-operability when CAP personnel deploy across wing or region boundaries, CAP uses a mandatory national VHF-FM programming and channelization plan. VHF NETS 543 Regional locations 1082 frequency assignments, Equipment Quantar repeater, APX-6000 LMR, JOH-5300 Base CAP repeaters were changed from a single LMR net to a radius assignment which now covers all the radios in the net which includes Fixed, Mobile and handheld radios with a radius from the transmitting location.. R1 NER CT,ME,MA, NH,NJ,NY,PA,RI,VT = 75 Repeaters 150 records R2 MER DE,MD,NC,DC,SC,WV,VA = 61 Repeaters 122 records R3 GLR IL,IN,KY,MI,OH,WI = 55 Repeaters 110 records R4 SER AL,FL,GA,MS,PR,TN = 59 Repeaters 118 records R5 NCR IA,KS,MN,MO,NE,ND,SD = 74 Repeaters 148 records R6 SWR AZ,AR,LA,NM,OK,TX = 83 Repeaters 166 records R7 RMR CO,ID,MT,UT,WY = 55 Repeaters 110 records R8 PWR AK,CA,HI,NV,OR,WA = 79 Repeaters 158 records Regional Repeater nets throughout the USA not counting the US&P assignments

37 Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT)
Emergency locator transmitter (ELT) training utilizes M and can not be used for exercises or training FAAHQ has approved this frequency for ELT test. When possible local flight service stations will be notified when in use. Frequency supports tasking in the joint pub 3-50 (COMDTINSTM A). Transportable transmitters used during SAR training to emit signal simulating downed aircraft. CAP uses the RCVRS and direction finding techniques to locate transmitters. Frequency MHz only, 8 LSB assignments. Equipment CADET-6000 Modulation Requirements. 3K20A3X or 3K20A3N emission (wavering tone). Practice beacon frequencies shall not be used for voice transmission by CAP. Type Acceptance. Practice beacons must be FCC type accepted or conform to the parameters of J/F-12 Number 7192 for Pointer Cadet 6000 practice beacon. FAA Notification. Where possible, CAP units should provide advance notification of intended use of practice beacon transmitters on MHz to the appropriate FAA Regional Spectrum Management Office, the FAA Flight Service Station, or the local air traffic control facility nearest the practice beacon transmitter(s) operating location(s). Notification should include: date of test, test location, geographical coordinates and a local contact (individual). This is a professional courtesy extended to the FAA to reduce any possibility of confusion. Exercise managers should make every effort to provide this advance notice whenever possible AF LSB VA, MD, NC, SC, DE AF LSB WI, MI, IL, OH, IN, KY AF LSB TN, AL, GA, FL AF LSB ND, SD, KS, NE, MN, MO, IA AF LSB AZ, NM, TX, OK, AR, LA AF LSB ID, WY, UT, CO, MT AF LSB WA, OR, NV, CA AF LSB NY,VT, NH, MA, CT, PA, ME Authorization of Practice Beacons for Locator Training:

Intra-Squad Radios (ISR).The primary use of ISR radios is for ground team members to communicate among themselves when away from their vehicles, as well as other short-range ground communications. AFAUX/CAP has national authorizations for the remaining ISR channels, however channels 10 and 11 were reallocated for other government agency use CAPR APRIL ICOM 4008MISR radios are NTIA compliant for their frequencies and have full approval for CAP use, except for the channel restrictions in channeling plan. Except for the channel restriction channel 11 & 12 ISR radios are authorized for all CAP units and activities, except that they shall NOT be utilized in flight and may not conflict with other federal users. Only radios specifically manufactured for the ISR service are authorized and they will not be modified in anyway, including the addition of external antennas or amplifiers. Because these radios operate only on federal frequencies, use of ISR radios for personal communications is prohibited. 12 ISR assignments. Equipment ICOM 4008 MISR UHF radio channels 10 and 11 are not authorized for use by Civil Air. 1 AF 2 AF 3 AF 4 AF 5 AF 6 AF 7 AF 8 AF 9 AF 10 NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE 11 NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE 12 AF 13 AF 14 AF UHF ISR assignments

39 Glider Operations CAP has been flying gliders for several years, using local established glider frequencies. CAP requires Air-Ground-Air use to coordinate from Glider to Ground Ops for landing MHZ – MHZ is allocated specifically for FAA, and no other Federal use Local tower glider frequencies are only approved for air-air use Safety of Flight concerns due to required landing coordination SXXI template was created; pending operating frequency and transmit/receive locations however due to multiple locations ACC requested 8 regional frequencies at M123.5 which have been assigned and are NIB for training. M123.5 was de-conflicted by ACC spectrum office prior to the request it is 98% clear throughout the US&P. (NIB = Non Interference Basis) AF Region 1 NER CT,ME,MA, NH,NJ,NY,PA,RI,VT AF Region 2 MER DE,MD,NC,DC,SC,WV,VA AF Region 3 GLR IL,IN,KY,MI,OH,WI AF Region 4 SER AL,FL,GA,MS,PR,TN AF Region 5 NCR IA,KS,MN,MO,NE,ND,SD AF Region 6 SWR AZ,AR,LA,NM,OK,TX AF Region 7 RMR CO,ID,MT,UT,WY AF Region 8 PWR AK,CA,HI,NV,OR,WA

40 Take Aways Spectrum certification is first step in obtaining spectrum support Spectrum certification lengthy process--minimum 12 months Spectrum certification does not grant approval to radiate--must submit frequency request BOTTOM LINE = YOU MUST HAVE A FREQUENCY LICENSE (RFA) TO OPERATE!

41 Vice Admiral Jon L. Boyes
Wizards Creed "Radio Frequency Management is done by experts who meld years of experience with a curious blend of regulations, electronics, politics, and not a little bit of larceny. They justify requirements, horse-trade, coerce, bluff, and gamble with an intuition that cannot be taught other than by long experience." Vice Admiral Jon L. Boyes



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