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Professional Development: Critical Issues

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Development: Critical Issues"— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Development: Critical Issues

2 Professional Development
Design Framework Context Knowledge And Beliefs Commit to Vision and Standards Analyze Student Learning and Other Data Set Goals Plan Do Evaluate Critical Issues Strategies

3 Knowledge and Beliefs Learners and Learning Teachers and Teaching
The Nature of the Disciplines Effective Professional Development Change Process

4 Critical Issues Ensuring Equity Building Professional Culture
Developing Leadership Scaling Up Building Capacity Public Support Supporting Standards Evaluating Professional Development Finding Time Critical Issues

5 Read chapter 4 for next week.
Consider a PD effort that you might initiate (describe in 3-4 sentences, include a little about context). Pick the 3 most important critical issues from chapter 4 that you think would/should influence your planning these PD experiences. Write a paragraph about each of the three critical issues that describes why this particular issue is important for YOUR PD design and the first steps you would take in addressing these critical issues within the context of your PD design. Make six copies of this assignment so you can distribute them to colleagues for discussion and feedback next week.

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