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New Economic Ideas for the Industrial World

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Presentation on theme: "New Economic Ideas for the Industrial World"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Economic Ideas for the Industrial World

2 Mercantalism Old system Three beliefs:
Money = wealth National power more important than the individual More money = more power

3 Adam Smith (1723 – 1790) Rejected mercantilism New idea: capitalism
Labor was source of wealth Goal = individual welfare Competition would act as an invisible hand and guide resources to their best use

4 Adam Smith –cont- Promoted idea of laissez faire - no government interference Govt. would threaten economic growth

5 Karl Marx (1818 – 1883) Economics was the basis for change in society

6 Marx’s social divisions
Karl Marx –cont- Marx’s social divisions Society has always been divided into “haves” (the bourgeoisie or middle class) and “have nots” (proletariat or working class) This would happen:

7 State/govt. will wither away
Factories drive workers out of business Proletariat rise up and take over factories Will produce only what society needs Workers will share profits w/society State/govt. will wither away Communism = people own all land, factories and roads

8 History did not happen as Marx thought
Workers used the vote and unions to correct problems


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