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School Management System

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1 School Management System
Prepared By: Eximius Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

2 INTRODUCTION The School Management System is a business Optimization of school or Educational Institute and its Processes

3 SCOPE OF WORK Project will cover usually all areas related to an Educational Institution especially School. Registration of Students Information / Inquiry / Counseling Course / Syllabus Time Table of Classes (Period wise) Management Library Management Inventory System Transport Management Fees Management Student Attendance System Student Information Management Student Transfer / promotion System Management Chat / Communication Module Human Resource Management System Certificates Awarded Financial Accounting Assets Management Canteen

4 Registration of Students
This Module is optimization of Student’s registration Process to any course available. In this part, all information related to student’s necessary for Registration will be fetched. This information included but not limited to – Student Profile information – Parent Information, Addresses Information, Sibling Information, and Academic Information. Based on above information’s and successful registration, this module will provide access to Printing of Identity card and Summary or / and Payment slip. Upon successful completion of registration, Student will be provided User name and password to system where he will be able to take above printouts any time. system with attachments can be included in the modules if needed. Admin Part will be provided to view information of any student – Course wise, ID wise / delete (status only) of Student.

5 Information / Inquiry / Counseling / Course / Syllabus
The module covered the Information part regarding Institution – its Profile, Contact details, History, Facilities provided with images. This module will cover the reports to display Previous Years results course wise. Reports can be view Rank wise. This module will also cover to display all Information related to Courses and its Syllabus. Admin Part will be provided to Add and Manipulate any information related to College Information, Contact Details, Add and Manipulate Courses offered, Add and manipulate Syllabus of courses and Add and manipulate fees Structure of all courses individually. Admin Module to add results of different courses will be provided.

6 Content Management System
Main Page layout Text and all pages related to Module Information / Inquiry / Counseling / Course / Syllabus are fully customizable. Following Tool is provided to Modify Text / HTML.

7 Time Table of Classes (Period wise) Management
This module will covered the information regarding time table of all classes course wise with theirs time of class and teacher Concerned. This module will also provide the Time- Table Information to Staff their name wise and / or Subject wise. Printing will be available for time Table. The above all information will be issued to any user after login only. Admin Part will be provided to Add and Manipulate Time table of all courses with all inputs needed

8 Library Management This exhaustive Module will be for fully optimization of all Processes related to Library and its Management part. This module covers all features but limited to following features in System: Book issue and return Library Search Engine Book Stock Purchase of books Catalogue This module has also sub modules which will work on following sections. Author Category Publisher Information Magazine Information Newspaper Information Compact Disk Information Fine Setting Information of students/teachers/any Employee with Books issued, Books earlier issued to them, their limits, Dues, fine, fine discounts if any will be added.

9 Inventory System This Module will be used to manage Inventory. It will manage, mostly, all inventory related to Institute: Related to any Module / Area Developed in Project. Any Inventory related to direct involvement of school or institute using the system. It will be integrated with Library module also.

10 Transport Management This Module is optimization of all processes related to transportation. It will manage Student’s data enrolled for using of Transport service of Institute, student’s fees collected, Students dues OR students enrolled date and valid dates. Facility to provide Transport pass with printing option can be included in this module and also in Student Management. Admin part of Add and manipulate Transport Vehicle, Add and manipulate transport charges, view students using Transport Services, their dues and Enrolled or expired dates. All information related to profile of students will be available here..

11 Fees Management This Module is Business optimization of Process of Fees. It includes Different reports of Fee collections includes but not limited to Total Fees collection, Fee collection Course wise, Fee Collection Pending, Project fee collection, refundable fees, Fixed fees, Security Deposits of students, Mode of collection of fees, student deposit details, Summary reports.

12 Student Attendance System
This module is used to maintain the students Attendance. Screens will be given for Teachers to mark the attendance of their class students in their login area. Reports for teachers and admin to view the attendance report class wise and student wise will be given with summary of Attendance Class wise and Subject wise will be presented.

13 Student Information Management
This module is for Student’s – after login they can view all their Profile information, manipulate their information Subject to restriction of their courses and fees details and ID. This Module will be linked to Library, Transportation, Fees, Student management to view Student related information with any department or dues if any.

14 Student Transfer / promotion
This module contains information and capabilities for transferring students from one class to another, as well as promoting students to the next grade. Student in their areas can view this transfer or promotions.

15 System Management It includes manage of adding/manipulating different users and roles and responsibilities and security to pages. In short, A comprehensive System security page is given with options for allocation of different rights and privileges to different users, along with a sub-module for regular automated backup of the data in the system

16 Chat / Communication Module
This Module will provide facility for communication across students and other channels available in system. This module will cover following areas: Students with their credentials and from their Dashboard are allowed to answers to their necessary questions. Online testing will be available to develop the students skill. Shopping Cart - Students can shop online for books. After selecting the book, the student can fill an order form which will ask him for the relevant details. This will be only from the school Library. Virtual Classroom - This project represents a virtual classroom for students where the tutor can communicate directly or privately, so students can login in different rooms according to the schedule of the class and can attend lectures. Discussion Forum – Discussion panel will be provided to all roles of the project to discuss their issue, reply and read others issues and solutions. Parent - Teacher Communication: Parents will be Provided Separate Login. Parents can view the remarks of Teachers and / or any information suggestion is posted by Teacher for the students. There will be both Way communication for parents and Teachers in way of adding comments and participation in Discussion forum. Instructor Reports - This part of module is for Roles of Teachers and admin and students. Teachers will be able to view all students reports where as student will be able to view his Reports. Reports related to students performance under respective categories of course, subject, topic, and chapter will be provided. .

17 Human Resource Management System
This module is Optimization of Management of all resources related to Institute. This Module will have two sub sections: Faculty Management Pay Roll

18 Faculty Management This sub section will provide Add and Manipulate Faculty Details and Guest Faculty Details - which includes their profile information also. It covers Faculty Mobility – which covers Staff Name, Staff Number, Staff IC number, Staff Attendance (Dates, Time in and out) and records of staff mobility (On leave, Attending courses). This module will cover the Faculty Development like their Qualification level, years of service, institute/university, record of skill development, further study. Leave Tracking will also be a part of this module. It includes - Type of leave, number of days, start and end date of leave. Pay Roll - This sub-Section will provide and covers areas like New Appointments Salary Transfer (this will show the data entered by related admin through the screens provided in Current Project. It is not in any way related to any financial Institutions to get the Salary transfer details) Attendance Salary and Advance Salary Calculation of salary as per Leaves Note: Admin Screens will be provided to enter the information discussed above to different roles. This module will also provide the reports for all above screens and areas.

19 Certificates Awarded This module contains the list of certificates based on the type of course. It will provide the list of Certificates awarded with dates to students. Note: Making of Certificates with Predefined format is not included in the scope. It is considered that information about awarding the certificates will be entered by concerned role to the system

20 Financial Accounting This module will provide the reports related to financial transactions

21 Assets Management This module will provide the Reports related to Assets. It will Covers all reports included below but not limited to: All Asset Details, Assets purchase price and current valuation, Assets Warranty/maintenance dates and costs, Components and attachments Associated Asset management costs, Cost center and ownership,Maintenence History.

22 Canteen This module is optimization of all Processes related to Canteen work. It will covers the areas of  - Issue of food coupons to students, consumption of coupons. on-coupon receipts. Screen will be provided for issuing the Coupon code to student – coupon code numbers and their values will be added from the system. At Consumption level the coupon code number and its price value will be entered only. Non coupon entries can be made in system for Receipts. Student can view their Coupons in their login area.  Admin area will be provided to enter Coupon code Numbers and their price values. Reports will be added for admin to view total Coupons added, consumed coupons, Total non-coupon receipts, all receipts.

23 Basic navigation System:
The whole project will be a web based project. It’s have multiple roles and Access to pages are based on roles. Admin, Teachers, Account Person, Student, Library Admin, Guest will be major roles. Dashboards of all above users will be as per their roles. Based on roles one or another Part of Dashboard (modules) will be available. Adding users and assigning them roles will be under rights of Admin and Functionality of same will be provided. The Project will be implemented with one set of designing theme.

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