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Debates, Repair Strategies

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1 Debates, Repair Strategies
Week 3: Education Debates, Repair Strategies

2 5 Minute Greet Greet a few friends in the next five minutes
Use informal greetings What’s up? How’s it going? How’ve you been? Ask 1 casual question, such as… How was your weekend? How are your classes going? How are you enjoying the change in weather?

3 Debates 15 minutes per debate 1 minute per speaker
After last speaker, the team can send anyone to make a conclusion. Lastly the audience will share their opinions about the debate

4 Rules for the Audience No talking during the debates. (loss of points)
Please listen carefully. Be ready to answer these questions: Which team do you think was the most convincing? Why? What do you think was the most convincing point? Why? Who do you think was a good debater? What did they do that made you think so?

5 Quote of the Day Education is not the filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire. - William Butler Yeats

6 What do you think this quote means?
Traditional education says that students are like empty buckets waiting to be filled by the teacher who has all the knowledge. Do you agree or disagree with this view of teachers and students? Why or why not?

7 Repair Strategies

8 Repair Strategies Asking for [R]epetition, [C]larification, or [D]efinition -[R] I’m sorry, can you please say that again? -[R]Can you please say that a little louder? -[R]Can you please speak a little slower? -[C]_____? (Repeat the word back with rising intonation)  -[C]Did you say_____? -[C]Do you mean _______? -[C]Does ______ mean _______? -[D]I haven’t heard that word before. What is ______? -[D]What does ______ mean?

9 Deaf Shopkeeper Shoppers (list):
Hi, I’m looking for some ___________. Do you have any? OR I would like to buy some __________. Can you help me? Deaf Shopkeepers (3 items):  Can you please say that a little louder? Sorry, can you please repeat that? Did you say _______? I don’t know that word. What is _______?

10 Homework Take the “Love Languages” quiz (find on the class website)
Answer the following questions: What is your primary love language? Is this expected or unexpected? What does your love language say about you? Do you show love in the same way you like to receive it? Which love language do you speak the least? What can you do to change that?

11 Do you understand me? I don’t understand you! Know what I mean? I don’t understand. Do you see what I’m getting at? Could you explain more? Am I making myself clear? What do you mean by…? Do you catch my drift? What does “indubitably” mean? Are you following me? I’m not following you. I understand you! I didn’t hear you! Mmhmm… I’m sorry I didn’t catch that. (Nod head) Can you repeat that? I understand. Sorry, can you say that again? Oh, I see what you’re saying. (The notebook is on the table.) The notebook is where? Got it! (Clear?) Clear as a bell. (My number is ) ….? What?

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