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Presentation on theme: "Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction

2 Objectives Provide a platform for States / organisations involved in a Digital NOTAM implementation to share their experience Collect feed-back Identify areas for improvement in the Digital NOTAM Specifications Understand expectations for training material Encourage data user Clarify how to access the digital NOTAM data source Present applications that benefit from Digital NOTAM Encourage further implementations Regulatory – evolution of ICAO SARPS/guidance and regional rules Voluntary – awareness on Digital NOTAM benefits

3 Agenda Digital NOTAM Implementation projects
United States FAA Digital NOTAM System presented by Trish Gay (FAA) / Marina Chumakov (FAA) Estonia  Digital NOTAM Project presented by Olga Mašinskaja (EANS) / Markus Haas (Frequentis/Comsoft Solutions) Brazil Digital NOTAM Project presented by Major Axel (DECEA) / Enzo Brunetti (IDS) Ireland Digital NOTAM Project Presented by Edel Garrihy (IAA)

4 Agenda Lessons learned – open discussion with the objective to identify Technical / operational issues to be addressed in the Specification Any need for ‘generic training’, other than what is specific to the tool Brainstorming – how to encourage the Digital NOTAM implementations around the world ICAO Annex 15 (16th edition) – “placeholder” for Digital NOTAM ICAO/IMP – NOTAM revision plans Digitally enhanced briefing concept (SESAR ePIB) as an end user application based on Digital NOTAM Proposed actions

5 Webex session rules Participants 10 minutes break after first part
Please mute microphones during presentations Raise hand for questions! 10 minutes break after first part Slides Will be published at Recording for internal use only, will not be published Any other questions / comments?

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