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Accolade (n) Praise or approval; a ceremonial embrace or greeting

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1 Accolade (n) Praise or approval; a ceremonial embrace or greeting
Syn: kudos, cheers Ant: boos, criticism **acclaim

2 Acerbity (n) Sourness or bitterness of taste; harshness or severity of manner or expression Syn: astringency Ant: blandness, mildness **acidity

3 Attrition (n) The process of wearing down by friction or gradual impairment Syn: erosion, reduction Ant: enlargement, proliferation **attrition by friction

4 Bromide (n) A trite or commonplace remark; a tiresome or boring person; a sedative Syn: cliché, platitude **boring

5 Chauvinist (adj) extravagantly patriotic; blindly devoted to a cause; (n) such a person Syn: (n) super patriot, flag-waver, jingoist **chauvinist pig

6 Chronic (adj) continuing over a long period of time or recurring often
Syn: recurrent, persistent, habitual Ant: transient, sporadic **constant pain or illness

7 Expound (v) To explain in detail Syn: elucidate, explicate, delineate

8 Factionalism (n) Party strife and intrigue Syn: infighting, dissention
Ant: unanimity, harmony, consensus **fractions

9 Immaculate (adj) spotless; without blemish or fault Syn: unsoiled
Ant: blemished, tarnished **impeccable

10 Imprecation (n) A curse; the act of cursing
Syn: execration, malediction Ant: blessing, benediction

11 Ineluctable (adj) not able to be avoided, changed, or overcome
Syn: unavoidable, inevitable, inescapable Ant: avoidable, reversible ***inevitable

12 Mercurial (adj) characterized by rapid and unpredictable changes of mood; fickle or inconstant Syn: erratic, flighty, volatile Ant: sluggish, constant, steady ***mercury in thermometer goes up and down with temp

13 Palliate (v) To make less serious or severe by glossing over; to relieve without actually curing, mitigate Syn: alleviate, extenuate Ant: intensify, aggravate ***alleviate

14 Protocol (n) Customs and regulations dealing with official behavior and etiquette, as in a court or among diplomats; Syn: code of conduct, minutes ***call of duty

15 Resplendent (adj) shining or gleaming brilliantly; splendid or magnificent Syn: radiant, dazzling, glorious Ant: dull, drab, lusterless ***splendid

16 Stigmatize (v) To brand or mark as in some way discreditable, disgraceful, or ignominious Syn: sully, taint, disgrace Ant: whitewash, laud, extol **stigma

17 Sub rosa (adv) in secret; confidentially; privately; (adj) secretive
Syn: (adv) secretly covertly, stealthily Ant: overtly, openly **sub – below surface

18 Vainglory (n) Excessive pride in and boastfulness about one’s own accomplishments or qualities; a vain show or display Syn: vanity, pretentiousness Ant: humility, modesty **vanity

19 Vestige (n) A trace or visible evidence of something that once existed but now is lost or vanished Syn: artifact, relic, remains

20 Volition (n) The power to choose, will, or decide; the act of choosing, willing, or deciding Syn: free will, choice Ant: coercion, compulsion, duress ***own vote

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