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Line, line segment and rays.

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1 Line, line segment and rays

2 l Line is a straight path and extends in both direction without end
A line through two point A and B is written as Also it is denoted by letter l Since line has not end points we cannot find its length. The following are not lines since they have not straight path AB or BA

3 Example :- Identify the lines from the figure
We can see 3 lines from the figure Line L1 Line L2 Line L3 or AB or BA or CD or DC or PQ or QP

4 Line segment is a line that ends at both side.
We use capital letter to denote end of line segment. In the above figure the line segment has two end point A and B. A line segment with end points A and B is written as Since line segment has end points, we can measure its length AB or BA

5 Example :- Identify the line segment from the figure
We can see 4 line segments from the figure Line AB or BA BD or DB CD or DC AC or CA

6 A ray with end point A and passes through point B is written as
Rays is a line that ends at one side and extends at other side without end. A B A ray with end point A and passes through point B is written as Since ray does not have two end point, it length cannot be measured. AB

7 Example :- Identify rays from the figure
We can see 3 rays from the figure Ray OA OB OC

8 Try these Identify line, line segment and rays from the figure

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