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The Industrial Revolution

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1 The Industrial Revolution
The Revolution that changed the world forever

2 Industrial – Having to do with industry, business or manufacturing
Revolution – a huge change or a change in the way things are done Industrial Revolution – a change from making things by hand to making them in factories.

3 Industrial Revolution

4 How did we make clothes before the industrial revolution?

5 The Spinning Jenny Invented by James Hargreaves 1764
Reduced the amount of work needed to produce yarn, with a worker able to work 8 or more spools at once

6 Spinning wheel The spinning wheel was the first invention, but it was very slow. Threads were spun one at a time, by hand.

7 Transportation - Before cars, planes, buses – how did people get around?


9 Transportation Before the Industrial Revolution, people relied on the horse and their own feet to get around.

10 Steam Engine Invented by James Watt 1769
Could power machines automatically and led to the development of moving vehicles

11 An original steam engine

12 Passenger carriers


14 Power Loom With the invention of the spinning jenny and the power loom, the textile (clothing) industry took off. Clothes could now be made far faster than ever before. Invented by Edmund Cartright in 1797

15 The power loom The power loom used water power to weave cloth
People could make a lot of cloth quickly.


17 Cotton Gin Invented by Eli Whitney in 1794
Allowed cotton to be cleaned and had the seeds removed quickly. This caused a need for more labor to pick cotton

18 Cotton Gin

19 A cotton factory

20 Steel Invented by Henry Bessemer around 1856
Could produce steel that was strong and cheap which could be used to make large buildings and bridges

21 Smoke stacks of a factory

22 The electric light Can you imagine what life would be like without the electric light? Thomas Edison invented the electric light around 1878 Thomas Edison also invented many other things, like the phonograph in 1877

23 Thomas Edison

24 The electric light Allows us to see!

25 The phonograph Could automatically play music that people could listen to in their homes.

26 Telegraph Invented by Samuel Morse in 1844
The telegraph used dots and dashes to send messages over electric lines. These dots and dashes became known as Morse Code.



29 Telephone Alexander Graham Bell patented the first telephone in 1876.
Allowed us to communicate with others more easily


31 John D. Rockefeller John D. Rockefeller became the richest man in the world in the oil business. He created Standard Oil Company in 1870 Oil began being used in all types of machines, like cars.

32 Henry Ford Henry Ford invented the first practical car, the Model T in 1908 The car had been invented earlier, but Ford was the first to make the car affordable.

33 Orville and Wilber Wright
The Wright brothers were the first men to successfully fly an airplane in 1903 The flight lasted only twelve seconds, but it proved men could fly.



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