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Basic Sentence Patterns

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1 Basic Sentence Patterns
Subjects and verbs 云浮市邓发纪念中学 李建平 Grammar and word choice are important for all your classes, not just English.

2 Identifying Subjects and Verbs
Key Concept: A complete sentence requires a subject and a verb; it also must express a complete thought.

3 A sentence must have a subject.
Subjects A sentence must have a subject. A subject is a noun A person, place or thing Ms. Jones Beijing University Book Or a pronoun A word that takes the place of a noun She/he/they It

4 A sentence must also have a verb.
Verbs A sentence must also have a verb. There are 2 types of verbs: Action Show movement Examples: to study, to sing, to joke, to run, to walk Linking Linking verbs do not show action. Instead, they convey existence, being, becoming, and sometimes, one of the 5 senses. Linking verbs connect the subject and the word after the linking verb. Examples: to be, to seem, to become, to sound, to feel

5 Identifying Subjects and Verbs
To identify the subject and verb in a sentence, ask these questions: What is the action? What word links two or more other words? the verb Who or what is performing the action? the subject

6 Practice 1. Barbara sang. 2. The children were happy.
What is the action? Sang (verb – action) Who sang? Barbara (subject) 2. The children were happy. What word joins the description to the subject? were (verb – linking) Who were happy? children (subject)

7 More Practice Terry laughs. Lady Gaga is famous. Subject = Lady Gaga
Identify the subjects and verbs in the following sentences: Terry laughs. Subject = Terry Verb = laughs (action) Lady Gaga is famous. Subject = Lady Gaga Verb = is (links description to subject) 3. The dog barked. Subject = the dog Verb = barked (action) 4. Mike creates funny characters. Subject = Mike Verb = creates (action)

8 Simple and Compound Subjects and Verbs
A single subject is referred to as a simple subject. A single verb is referred to as a simple verb. Example: The artist quickly drew the tourist’s picture. What is the action? drew (one action = simple verb) Who drew? artist (one actor = simple subject) The sentences we have worked with up to this point have contained only one subject and one verb.

9 Compound Subjects A sentence may also contain a compound subject: two or more stated nouns or pronouns perform the same action. Example: Charles and the boys have gone to the movies. What is the action? have gone (one action = simple verb) Who has gone? Charles + boys (two stated actors = compound subject)

10 Compound Verbs A sentence may also contain a compound verb: the subject performs two or more actions. Example: Jane frequently drinks, dances, and parties through the night. What is (are) the action(s)? drink, dance, + party (3 actions = compound verb) Who drinks, dances and parties? Jane (one stated actor = simple subject)

11 Thank you Good-bye December 2, 2015

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