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WATER & Its Unique Properties

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1 WATER & Its Unique Properties
H2O aka dihydrogen monoxide

2 Polar molecule – has a positive end and a negative end
What water looks like…

3 Special Characteristics
Density – water is less dense as a solid than as a liquid Boiling and melting points – melts/freezes at 0°C and evaporates/condenses at 100°C High Specific Heat Capacity – takes large amount of energy to change temperature 1 degree celcius Special Characteristics

4 Strong intermolecular forces – hydrogen bonding, each water molecule can form four hydrogen bonds

5 Surface Tension – results from cohesion; molecules stick to each other
Capillary Action – results from adhesion; molecules stick to other surface like a straw Characteristics….

6 Aka The Universal Solvent
Water is known as a “universal solvent” because it can dissolve many substances. Water dissolves substances by surrounding charged particles and “pulling” them into solution. Any substance that carries a net electrical charge can dissolve in water. Aka The Universal Solvent


8 Water molecules contract until they reach 4 oC, then they expand as the ice crystals form until they are solid. Solid water (ice) is less dense than liquid water; hence it floats! Why does ice float?

9 Since water has the ability to dissolve many substances water may contain a variety of materials.
The main components that are in water are: Dissolved and undissolved solids like salt, oil, calcium Particulate matter such as clay Living materials such as algae or bacteria What’s in the Water?

10 Water Quality- How clean is it?
Most clean water supplies contain a mixture of the materials just described. Some materials like phosphates for example are needed for plants and aquatic organisms to survive. However, if too high of a concentration builds up it can cause disastrous affects to the ecosystem. Water Quality- How clean is it?

11 Water Quality Indicators
Temperature pH Dissolved oxygen Nutrients Dissolved solids Turbidity Bacterial Count Water Quality Indicators

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